The objective of this project is to facilitate transition of commercially available Zero Emission Grounds Maintenance Equipment (ZEGME) into Department of Defense (DoD) operations, develop best‐practices for ZEGME operations, maintenance, and equipment management, and identify barriers or technology gaps that may impede the adoption of ZEGME. To achieve this objective, the project team will use the DoD modernization tenets of Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities and Policy (DOTMLPF-P) as a guide/outline for this effort. Ultimately part of this study will translate into a ZEGME gap analysis in terms of Technology, Business Case/Economics, and Policy.
Technology Description
Engineer Research & Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory and Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center will partner with industry experts and other DoD personnel to meet the stated objectives. Specifically, the following tasks will be performed:
- Identify and engage key DoD and non‐DoD stakeholders that should be included in the ZEGME planning and implementation process.
- Survey four host DoD installations (two Army and two Navy) in geographic areas with regional variation of climate and vegetation to develop an inventory of GME in use by both garrison staff and contractors at these sites.
- Conduct research/market survey on commercially available and near commercially available ZEGME as potential replacements for existing GME at the host installations.
- Perform a comparative quantitative and qualitative analysis (paper study) of GME currently in use at host sites with equivalent commercially/near commercially available ZEGME equipment.
- Perform a Tabletop Planning Exercise (TTPX) site visit at each of the host installations to validate baseline conditions and discuss preliminary findings and recommendations with installation personnel. The TTPXs will strategize planned and potential future scenarios and requirements.
- Document all findings, analyses, and recommendations in a Final Report.
The Tabletop Study will be an advanced and current resource that will provide DoD Installations, Headquarters Staff, and supporting Commands with quantitative and qualitative data‐reinforced findings and recommendations to assist in the cost‐effective transition of existing GME to ZEGME as per Executive Order 14057 requirements.
The ZEGME Tabletop Planning Exercises and outcomes will provide top leaders and installation stakeholders with salient information regarding challenges and opportunities associated with ZEGME implementation, which will help determine the optimal way ahead that integrates logistics, performance, economics, resilience, and mission accomplishment. (Anticipated Project Completion - 2025)