This SERDP and ESTCP sponsored workshop explored planning resilient infrastructure and installations. The workshop brought together practitioners from planning, engineering, and architectural communities; members of the science community conducting research on Earth systems, environmental change, and risk assessment and communication; and operations and real property managers. Practitioners at the workshop highlighted the need for information that (1) focuses on a wide range of hazards and thresholds; (2) provides most likely conditions and maximum credible extremes for a number of periods and mean recurrence intervals; (3) analyzes historical and projected conditions at high temporal and spatial resolution for specific sites; and (4) considers information requirements by discipline and location. Ideas spanned the spectrum from applications to basic research and sought to address the research needs that result when historical climate records indicate statistical patterns of extreme or average conditions are changing (i.e., when they are “nonstationary”) and no longer provide a reliable guide to planning for the future. Workshop Report