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September 25-26, 2002 Toronto, Ontario
To view presentations please download the archive below:
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0730-0830 | Continental breakfast |
0800-0845 | Registration (Registration Fee is US$50 or C$75, payable by check made out to Geo-Centers, Inc. or in cash) |
0845 | Convene Meeting |
0845-0855 | Introductory Remarks, meeting logistics | Sartwell | NRL |
0855-0905 | Overview of HCAT Program | Sartwell | NRL |
0905-0935 | Overview of ECOCHROM Project for replacement of hexavalent chrome plating with trivalent chrome plating | Negre | Program Manager, ECOCHROM |
0935-1000 | Review of 4-5 Sept. Technology Exchange Meeting on Materials Substitution for Pollution Prevention in Advanced Aircraft | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1000-1005 | Review of materials testing and Joint Test Report | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1005–1015 | Landing Gear Project Summary and Small Bar Integrity Testing | Sauer | Sauer Engineering |
1015-1030 | Break | Sauer | Sauer Engineering |
1030-1110 | Qualification testing for landing gear on Air Force aircraft | Edwards | Hill AFB |
1110-1140 | Bend testing of WC/CoCr-coated cylinders and Dash 8 rig tests | Panza-Giosa | Goodrich |
1140-1155 | Coating integrity testing on large tensile specimens | Bretz | Metcut Research |
1155-1315 | Lunch |
1315-1330 | Results of studies on fracture and residual stress characterization | Parker | Kennedy Space Center |
1330-1345 | F/A-18 E/F nose landing gear rig test | Eybel | Messier-Dowty |
1345-1400 | Seal testing against HVOF coatings for landing gear | Olmos | Saint-Gobain PPL |
1400-1420 | Finishing and NDT inspection of WC/CoCr HVOF coatings | Ben-Salah | Heroux |
1420-1435 | Planned process mapping | Legoux | NRC |
1435-1500 | Non-destructive evaluation of base materials under HVOF coatings | Nowa-kowski | Boeing St. Louis |
1500-1515 | Break |
1515-1535 | Review of potential NDE methods for characterization of base materials | Sauer | Sauer Engineering |
1535-1545 | Issuance of AMEC specifications for WC/Co deposition and powder | Parker | Kennedy Space Center |
1545-1600 | Development of grinding specification for WC/Co coatings | Devereaux | NADEP Jacksonville |
1600-1630 | Overview of ONR program on nano-structured thermal spray coatings | Kabacoff | Office of Naval Research |
1630-1700 | Open discussion on technology issues related to chrome replacement on landing gear |
1700 | Adjourn for day |
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0730-0815 | Continental breakfast in meeting room |
0815-0855 | Review of materials and component testing, Joint Test Report, planned flight testing, and other technology insertion issues | Kestler | NADEP Cherry Point |
0855-0915 | Results of initial functional rod/seal testing | Moorman | NAVAIR Pax River |
0915-0945 | HVOF technology insertion on actuators on Air Force aircraft | Reynolds | ARINC |
0945-1000 | Fatigue testing under Materials Joint Test Protocol | Bretz | Metcut Research |
1000-1015 | Break |
1015-1040 | TF33 component qualification and HVOF technology insertion at Oklahoma City ALC | Alford | PEWG |
1040-1100 | Qualification of HVOF process on J52 engine | Ngin | NADEP Jacksonville |
1100-1115 | Review of cost/benefit analysis for chrome replacement with HVOF at Oklahoma City ALC | Sartwell | NRL |
1115-1140 | NLOS electroplating project update | Kolek | AFRL |
1140-1205 | Electrospark deposition project update | Johnson | PNL |
1205-1325 | Lunch |
1325-1350 | Electrodeposited nanocrystalline coatings project update | D. Lee | McDermott |
1350-1415 | Plasma-spray coatings project update | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1415-1430 | NADEP Jacksonville | Devereaux | NADEP JAX |
1430-1445 | NADEP Cherry Point | Kestler | NADEP Cherry Point |
1445-1500 | Ogden Air Logistics Center | Cheever | Hill AFB |
1500-1515 | Break |
1515-1535 | Update on project on Electrospark Deposition for Field- and Depot-Level Component and Coatings Repair | Dent | PEWG |
1535-1600 | Service history on HVOF coatings and review of restorative effort on Ni-Al/WC-Co | Falkowski | Boeing Commercial |
1600-1615 | Landing gear shock strut seal testing | Lowndes | Greene, Tweed & Co. |
1615-1640 | HVOF component qualification at Delta Airlines | Randolph | Delta Airlines |
1640-1650 | Update on HCAT web site | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1650-1700 | Review of important technical issues and work to be accomplished prior to next HCAT meeting |
1700 | Adjourn |