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Projects Listed Chronologically by Number | ||||||||||||||||
ER-200825: In Situ Wetland Restoration Demonstration (Principal Investigator: Nancy Ruiz) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-200828: Field Demonstration of Propane Biosparging for In Situ Remediation of NDMA in Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-200829: Treatment of NDMA in Groundwater Using a Fluidized Bed Bioreactor (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-200835: Evaluating the Efficacy of a Low-Impact Delivery System for In Situ Treatment of Sediments Contaminated with Methylmercury and Other Hydrophobic Chemicals (Principal Investigator: Charles Menzie) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-200913: Enhanced Amendment Delivery to Low Permeability Zones for Chlorinated Solvent Source Area Bioremediation (Principal Investigator: Chuck Newell) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-200914: Parallel In Situ Screening of Remediation Strategies for Improved Decision Making, Remedial Design, and Cost Savings (Principal Investigator: Rolf Halden)
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ER-200915: Passive PE Sampling in Support of In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (Principal Investigator: Phil Gschwend) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-200917: Improvement, Verification, and Refinement of Spatially Explicit Exposure Models in Risk Assessment (Principal Investigator: Mark Johnson)
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ER-200918: Demonstration of the Attributes of Multi-increment Sampling and Proper Sample Processing Protocols for the Characterization of Metals on DoD Facilities (Principal Investigator: Jay Clausen)
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ER-200919: Demonstration of an In-Situ Friction-Sound Probe for Mapping Particle Size at Contaminated Sediment Sites (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick)
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ER-200920: Modified Biopolymers as an Alternative to Petroleum-based Polymers for Soil Modification (Principal Investigator: Steven Larson)
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ER-200933: Renewable Energy Production from DoD Installation Solid Wastes by Anaerobic Design (Principal Investigator: David Parry)
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ER-201020: Water Conservation: Tertiary Treatment and Recycling of Waster Water (Principal Investigator: Sonny Maga) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201025: Use of Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis to Distinguish Between Vapor Intrusion and Indoor Sources of VOC’s (Principal Investigator: Thomas McHugh) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201026: Incorporating Aerobic Processes into Remedies for Large Chlorinated Solvent Plumes (Principal Investigator: Brian Looney) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201027: Enhanced Attenuation of Unsaturated Chlorinated Solvent Source Zones Using Direct Hydrogen Delivery (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201028: Passive Biobarrier for Treating Comingled Perchlorate and RDX in Groundwater at an Active Range (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201029: Integrated Stable Isotope-Reactive Transport Model Approach for Assessment of Chlorinated Solvent Degradation (Principal Investigator: Paul Philp) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201030: Validation of a Novel Bioassay for Low-level Perchlorate Determination (Principal Investigator: John Coates) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201031: Evaluation of Resuspension from Propeller Wash in DoD Harbors (Principal Investigator: Pei-Fang Wang) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201032: Determining Source Attenuation History to Support Closure by Natural Attenuation (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201033: Solar Powered Remediation and pH Control (Principal Investigator: David Lippincott) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201118: Demonstration of a Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox (FRGT) for Characterization and Monitoring of DNAPL Biodegradation in Fractured Rock Aquifers (Principal Investigator: Lee Slater) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201119: Use of On-Site GC/MS Analysis to Distinguish between Vapor Intrusion and Indoor Sources of VOCs (Principal Investigator: Thomas McHugh)
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ER-201120: Development of an Expanded, High-Reliability Cost and Performance Database for In-Situ Remediation Technologies (Principal Investigator: Travis McGuire) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201121: Direct Push Optical Screening Tool for High Resolution, Real Time Mapping of Chlorinated Solvent DNAPL Architecture (Principal Investigator: Murray Einarson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201122: Cost-Effective, Ultra-Sensitive Groundwater Monitoring for Site Remediation and Management (Principal Investigator: Rolf Halden) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201123: Generation of Biodegradation-Sorption Barriers for Munitions Constituents (Principal Investigator: Bob Borden) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201124: In Situ Biogeochemical Transformation of Chlorinated Solvents (Principal Investigator: Pat Evans) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201125: Use Of Mass-Flux Measurement And Vapor-Phase Tomography To Quantify Vadose-Zone Source Strength And Distribution (Principal Investigator: Jon Mainhagu) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201126: Decision Support System for Matrix Diffusion Modeling (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201127: Quantifying Life-cycle Environmental Footprints of Soil and Groundwater Remedies (Principal Investigator: Tanwir Chaudhry) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201128: Microelectrode Observatory for In Situ Monitoring of Metals Concentration and Mobility in Contaminated Sediments (Principal Investigator: Nancy Ruiz) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201129: Development and Validation of a Quantitative Framework and Management Expectation Tool for the Selection of Bioremediation Approaches (Monitored Natural Attenuation [MNA], Biostimulation and/or Bioaugmentation) at Chlorinated Solvent Sites (Principal Investigator: Carmen Lebrón) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201130: Demonstration and Commercialization of the Sediment Ecosystem Assessment Protocol (SEAP) (Principal Investigator: Gunther Rosen) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201131: Demonstration of In Situ Treatment with Reactive Amendments for Contaminated Sediments in Active DoD Harbors (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick)
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ER-201207: Bioaugmentation for Aerobic Bioremediation of RDX-Contaminated Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Mandy Michalsen) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201208: Validation of Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis to Document the Biodegradation and Natural Attenuation of RDX (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201209: Methods for Minimization and Management of Variability in Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Results (Principal Investigator: Thomas McHugh) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201210: Designing, Assessing, and Demonstrating Sustainable bioaugmentation for Treatment of DNAPL Sources in Fractured Bedrock (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201211: Frequently Asked Questions about Monitored Natural Attenuation in the 21st Century (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201212: Cost-Effective and High-Resolution Subsurface Characterization Using Hydraulic Tomography (Principal Investigator: Chin Man "Bill" Mok) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201213: A Flexible Permeable Reactive Barrier for Protection of Wetland Sediments from Heavy Metals in Runoff Water (Principal Investigator: Steven Larson)
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ER-201214: Demonstration of Fluorescent Magnetic Particles for Linking Sources to Sediments at DoD Sites (Principal Investigator: Jim Leather) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201215: Evaluating the Efficacy of Bioaugmentation for In-Situ Treatment of PCB Impacted Sediments (Principal Investigator: Kevin Sowers)
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ER-201216: Sediment Bioavailability Initiative (SBI): Development of Standard Methods and Approaches for the Use of Passive Samplers in Assessment and Management of Contaminated Sediment (Principal Investigator: Charles Menzie)
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ER-201321: Innovative Technology to Sequester Depleted Uranium from Test and Training Range Soil Fines (Principal Investigator: Chris Griggs) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201322: Demonstration/Validation of More Cost-Effective Methods for Mitigating Radon and VOC Subsurface Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air (Principal Investigator: Todd McAlary) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201323: A Portable Burn Pan for the Disposal of Excess Propellants (Principal Investigator: Michael Walsh) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201324: Sustained In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) of 1,4-Dioxane Using Slow Release Chemical Oxidant Candles (Principal Investigator: Pat Evans) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201325: Electrokinetic-Enhanced (EK-Enhanced) Amendment Delivery for Remediation of Low Permeability and Heterogeneous Materials (Principal Investigator: Evan Cox) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201326: 1,4-Dioxane Remediation by Extreme Soil Vapor Extraction (XSVE) (Principal Investigator: Dave Burris) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201327: Demonstration and Validation of a Portable Raman Sensor for In Situ Detection and Monitoring of Perchlorate (ClO4-) (Principal Investigator: Baohua Gu) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201328: Contaminant Flux Reduction Barriers for Managing Difficult-to-Treat Source Zones in Unconsolidated Media (Principal Investigator: Chuck Newell) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201329: Optimal Incremental Sampling Methods: Tools for Mean Estimation & Spatial Delineation (Principal Investigator: John Hathaway) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201330: Rapid Assessment of Remedial Effectiveness and Rebound in Fractured Bedrock (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer)
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ER-201331: Natural Attenuation and Biostimulation for In Situ Treatment of 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) (Principal Investigator: Paul Koster van Groos) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201368: Demonstration and Validation of Enhanced Monitored Natural Recovery at DoD Sites (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201425: Validation of Biotechnology for Quantifying the Abundance and Activity of Vinyl-chloride Oxidizers in Contaminated Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Tim Mattes) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201426: A Practical Approach for Modeling Matrix Diffusion Effects in REMChlor (Principal Investigator: Ron Falta) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201427: Performance Assessment of Past Bioremediation Approaches for Chlorinated Solvent Source Zones (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201428: Long-Term Performance Assessment of a Highly Characterized and Instrumented DNAPL Source Area Following Bioaugmentation (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201429: Performance of Two Technologies to Control Difficult-to-Treat Matrix Diffusion Zones: Post-Bioremediation Sustained Treatment and MNA in Low Permeability Units (Principal Investigator: Travis McGuire)
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ER-201430: A Rigorous Demonstration of Environmental Fracturing in Low Permeability Media (Principal Investigator: Kent Sorenson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201431: Integrative Passive Sampler-Food Web Modeling Framework for Monitoring Remedy Effectiveness (Principal Investigator: Phil Gschwend) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201432: Demonstration of New Tools for Improved Source and Recontamination Potential Assessment (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201433: Validation of Passive Sampling Devices for Monitoring of Munitions Constituents in Underwater Environments (Principal Investigator: Gunther Rosen) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201434: Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment (Principal Investigator: Pat Evans) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201435: Field Demonstration and Validation of the Training Range Environmental Evaluation and Characterization System (TREECS) and Environmental Fate Simulator (EFS) for the Risk Assessment of Contaminants on DoD Ranges (Principal Investigator: Billy Johnson)
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ER-201436: Phytoremediation of Explosives from Contaminated Soil by Transgenic Grass (Principal Investigator: Neil Bruce) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201501: The VI Diagnosis Toolkit for Assessing Vapor Intrusion Pathways and Impacts in Neighborhoods overlying Dissolved Chlorinated Solvent Plumes (Principal Investigator: Paul Johnson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201502: Tools for Understanding Transients in Vapor Intrusion (Principal Investigator: Eric Suuberg) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201503: Mass Flux Characterization for Vapor Intrusion Assessment (Principal Investigator: Helen Dawson)
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ER-201504: Demonstration of a Long-Term Sampling and Novel Analysis Approach for Distinguishing Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air (Principal Investigator: Alan Rossner) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201505: Sewers and Utility Tunnels as Preferential Pathways for Volatile Organic Compound Migration Into Buildings: Risk Factors and Investigation Protocol (Principal Investigator: Thomas McHugh) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201566-T2: Interactive Training System for Reductions in Cost and Complexity of Remediation and Long-term Management of Contaminated Sites (Principal Investigator: David Reynolds) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201567-T2: T2 Geophysics: A Technology Transfer Program for Facilitating Effective Use of Geophysics for Environmental Characterization and Monitoring at DoD Sites (Principal Investigator: Lee Slater) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201569-T2: ER Wiki for Enhanced Transfer SERDP/ESTCP Research to Users (Principal Investigator: Robert Borden) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201570-T2: Contaminant Flux and Fate in Fractured Bedrock (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201571-T2: A Web-based Repository for Energetics Contamination on Military Training Ranges (Principal Investigator: Susan Taylor) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201572-T2: Delivering Improved Understanding of Attenuation Processes Using a Massive Open Online Course (Principal Investigator: Pedro Alvarez) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201574-T2: Catalyzing Rapid Information Transfer Among Key Stakeholders on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances at Contaminated Military Sites (Principal Investigator: Jennifer Field) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201575-T2: Expanding the Impact of SERDP/ESTCP Projects with On-Demand, End-User Focused, Internet Micro-Lectures (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201579-PR: Demonstrating a Biogeophysics Strategy for Minimally Invasive Post-Remediation Performance Assessment (Principal Investigator: Tim Johnson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201580-PR: Long-term Stability and Efficacy of Historic Activated Carbon Deployments at Diverse Freshwater and Marine Remediation Sites (Principal Investigator: Todd Bridges) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201581-PR: Post-Remediation Evaluation of EVO Treatment - How Can We Improve Performance? (Principal Investigator: Robert Borden)
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ER-201582-PR: Post-Remediation Performance Assessment at a Petroleum Impacted Site (Principal Investigator: Tim Appleman) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201583-PR: Flux-based Assessment of Post-Remedial Performance (Principal Investigator: Mark Newman) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201584-PR: Providing Additional Support for MNA by Including Quantitative Lines of Evidence for Abiotic Degradation and Co-metabolic Oxidation of Chlorinated Ethylenes (Principal Investigator: Todd Wiedemeier) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201585-PR: Assessing the Long-term Performance and Impacts of ISCO and ISBR Remediation Technologies (Principal Investigator: Mark Brusseau) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201586-PR: Verification Monitoring and Stability Assessment of In-situ Stabilized Range Metals (Principal Investigator: Michelle Wynter) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201587-PR: Evaluating Long-term Impacts of Soil-Mixing Source-Zone Treatment using Cryogenic Core Collection (Principal Investigator: Wilson Clayton) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201588-PR: Assessment of Post-Remediation Performance of a Biobarrier Oxygen Injection System at an MTBE Contaminated Site (Principal Investigator: Kenda Neil) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201589-PR: Analysis of Long-term Performance of Zero-Valent Iron Applications (Principal Investigator: Kyle Kirchner) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201626 : Electrokinetically-Delivered, Thermally-Activated Persulfate Oxidation (EK-TAP) for the Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds in Heterogeneous and Low Permeability Source Zones (Principal Investigator: Evan Cox) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201627 : New Application Of Pre-Fabricated Vertical Drains To Remediate Low-Permeability Contaminated Media (Principal Investigator: Stephen Richardson)
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ER-201628: Verification Monitoring for In Situ Chemical Reduction Using Zero-Valent Zinc: A Novel Technology for Remediation of Chlorinated Alkanes (Principal Investigator: Rula Deeb) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201629: Evaluation of a Sustainable and Passive Approach to Treat Large, Dilute Chlorinated VOC Groundwater Plumes (Principal Investigator: David Lippincott) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201630 : Evaluation of FLUTe FACT as a Screening Technology for VOC Distribution in Fractured Rock Boreholes (Principal Investigator: Beth Parker) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201631: Demonstration and Validation of the Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment (HRX) Well for Managing Contaminant Plumes in Complex Geological Environments (Principal Investigator: Craig Divine) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201632: Reactive Gas Process for In Situ Treatment of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane in Vadose Zone Soils (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201633: Characterization of the Nature and Extent of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Environmental Media at DoD Sites for Informed Decision-Making (Principal Inverstigator: John Kornuc) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201634: Hybrid Low Impact Development/Best Management Practices for DoD Industrial Site Storm Water Runoff (Principal Investigator: Gary Anguiano) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201635: Hybrid Microbial Fuel Cell-Biofiltration System for Energy-Neutral Wastewater Treatment (Principal Investigator: Don Cropek) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201636: Distributed System for Efficient Recovery of Wastewater and Waste Heat (Principal Investigator: Christopher Griggs) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201637: Low Energy Chemical Treatment for Graywater Reuse: Mitigating Disinfection Byproducts and Recovering Cathodically Generated Hydrogen for Energy (Principal Investigator: David Gent) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201638: Advance Remediation - Field Installation of Iron Bioreactors to Degrade Explosives in Surface Waters (Principal Investigator: Heather Smith) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201639: Application of an In Situ PCB Removal Technique for Contaminated Sediments (Principal Investigator: Joey Trotsky) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-201728: Distributed Low-Energy Wastewater Treatment (D-LEWT) for Fuel Generation and Water Reuse (Principal Investigator: Kathryn Guy) |