
This project will enhance communication between researchers and decision makers on freshwater issues, and encourage the use of scientific information on water resources that serves the needs of the Department of Defense (DoD) manages and policy makers. The project will identify the key issues of decision makers through interviews and focus groups. Research guidance will be developed to address those needs. The priority issues will be identified based on scientific understanding tailored to address DoD’s environmental management and policy goals. In addition, a small group of water resource experts will be used to review conclusions and provide feedback. Along with DoD/SERDP, several organizations have been involved in the project, including the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Electric Power Research Institute.


Organized and convened a meeting of the multi-agency steering committee; prepared background documents and presentation materials; and reviewed the results of preliminary interviews with national-level decision makers.


This project will (1) improve DoD’s use of scientific information in environmental policy and management decisions, (2) provide guidance for research that addresses DoD’s environmental information needs, and (3) broaden DoD’s understanding of freshwater research results and their value.

In 1998, the project will refine framework of decision makers’ needs and policyrelevant science questions and present results and conclusions to project sponsors and other stakeholders.