The objective of this project is to transition the use of mold prevention additives from small batch to large-scale (Depot, Logistics Readiness Center, Original Equipment Manufacturer, etc.) use. This will include evaluation of these products in the solvent-based Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) polyurethane topcoats and optimize the loading for larger scale applications with the water dispersible polyurethane topcoats.
Technology Description
The mold prevention additives are a post-add product that is incorporated into a coating during the final formulation process. These additives have been available within industry but have not yet been incorporated into the topcoats of the CARC system. The presence of mold on Army ground equipment platforms, especially in areas where there are high times of wetness (e.g., high humidity, high rainfall, etc.) has demonstrated a need for these features within the CARC system. As a post-add additive, this provides the ability to incorporate these features into qualified coatings without the need to reformulate existing and approved formulations. This allows for a more widespread and rapid adoption of these materials as they can be added to any existing, qualified topcoat. Preliminary work has shown benefits and compatibility with the water dispersible topcoats, with the project expanding this to solvent based versions of these products.
The expected benefit is the reduction of mold and mildew growth on CARC topcoat surfaces on Army ground equipment (and other) platforms. Mold has been observed to be present on 24% of Army ground equipment platforms. The current method for removal of mold and mildew is by cleaning of equipment, which is often limited to the use of fresh water rinsing at installation wash racks, a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Additionally, work by others has shown that long-term mold and mildew exposure can breakdown coatings, which require the need for repainting of assets. Use of these additives are expected to reduce maintenance on these platforms, to include washing activities by soldiers as well as repainting activities. This is expected to have cost, health, and environmental benefits.
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