Newly available advanced time-domain electromagnetic induction (TEM) systems and software – both developed under SERDP and ESCTP research efforts – can significantly reduce the quantity of scrap metal that must be removed during a munitions response project. One of the key components of the application of advanced geophysical classification to munitions response projects is a well-documented and complete library of electromagnetic induction (EMI) signatures of potential Targets of Interest (TOI). The ESTCP Munitions Response Program Area has sponsored the development of a standardized Munitions Classification Library that fulfills this need.
The datasets were standardized through an ESTCP-funded collaboration of researchers from several organizations including Mr. Craig Murray and Dr. Nagi Khadr from Parsons, Thomas Bell from Leidos Corporation and Daniel Steinhurst from Nova Research Inc. Additional information about this collaborative effort can be found at the project web page. Stored in the widely-accepted HDF5 data format so that it is accessible by any analysis package, the Munitions Classification Library contains:
- Polarizability curves, often called EMI fingerprints, for decay times of 3, 8 and 25 milliseconds suitable for the new TEM systems and software
- Complete metadata describing each munition (length, diameter, presence of fins, fuzes, rotating bands, etc.)
- Photographs of each specific munition
Accompanying the library is a standard operating procedure (SOP) to facilitate submittal of new entries from members of the UXO community.
An example of the Munitions Classification Library file for a 4.2-in mortar |
The library will be maintained by geophysicists at the US Army Corps of Engineers’ Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise (EMCX) and stored on a U.S. government-owned server. The current version of the library will be made available to government contractors performing munitions remediation work.
All reports originating from these efforts are available at the project web pages. Please contact the Munitions Response Program Manager if you have further questions about this research area.