One Hundred and Ten SERDP FY 2018 new start projects have been selected for funding. These projects responded to the FY 2018 SERDP Core and SEED solicitations.
Topics being addressed by these projects include understanding and remediation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance contamination; understanding and control of stormwater; remediation of contaminated sediments; munitions response in underwater environments; managing species and ecosystems across jurisdictional boundaries; assessment of climate change vulnerability; emulsion science in military applications; specialty coatings removal; alternative propulsion and explosive systems; and agile battlefield manufacturing.
The tables below list the FY 2018 SERDP new start projects for Environmental Restoration, Munitions Response, Resource Conservation and Resiliency, and Weapons Systems and Platforms. As project overviews become available, links from the project numbers will be provided below. Information on these and other SERDP and ESTCP projects is also available under Focus Areas.
Environmental Restoration
ERSON-18-C1: Improved Understanding of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Source Zones |
A Mechanistic Understanding of PFASs in Source Zones: Characterization and Control |
Jennifer Field |
Oregon State University |
Development and Laboratory Validation of Mathematical Modeling Tools for Prediction of PFAS Transformation, Transport, and Retention in AFFF Source Areas |
Linda Abriola |
Tufts University |
Insights into the Long-Term Mass Discharge & Transformation of AFFF in the Unsaturated Zone |
Charles Schaefer |
CDM Smith |
Evaluating the Importance of Precursor Transport and Transformation for Groundwater Contamination with Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances |
Elsie Sunderland |
Harvard University |
Baseline Data Acquisition and Numerical Modeling to Evaluate the Fate and Transport of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances within the Vadose Zone |
Jeff Silva |
GSI North America Inc. |
A Mechanistic Understanding of PFASs in Source Zones: Characterization and Control |
Jennifer Field |
Oregon State University |
ERSON-18-C2: In Situ and Ex Situ Remediation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Contaminated Groundwater |
Combined In Situ / Ex Situ Treatment Train for Remediation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Contaminated Groundwater |
Michelle Crimi |
Clarkson University |
Treatment of Legacy and Emerging Fluoroalkyl Contaminants in Groundwater with Integrated Approaches: Rapid and Regenerable Adsorption and UV-Induced Defluorination |
Jinyong Liu |
University of California, Riverside |
Regenerable Resin Sorbent Technologies with Regenerant Solution Recycling for Sustainable Treatment of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) |
Timothy Strathmann |
Colorado School of Mines |
Rational Design and Implementation of Novel Polymer Adsorbents for Selective Uptake of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Groundwater |
Damian Helbling |
Cornell University |
Ex Situ Treatment of PFAS Contaminated Groundwater Using Ion Exchange with Regeneration |
Mark Fuller |
Aptim Federal Services, LLC |
Molecular Design of Effective and Versatile Adsorbents for Ex Situ Treatment of AFFF-Impacted Groundwater |
Mandy Michalsen |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory |
Electrically Assisted Sorption and Desorption of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances |
Douglas Call |
North Carolina State University |
Electrochemical Oxidation of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Still Bottoms from Regeneration of Ion Exchange Resins |
Qingguo Huang |
University of Georgia |
Removal of Complex Mixtures of Perfluoroalkyl Acids from Water Using Molecularly Engineered Coatings on Sand and Silica |
Paul Edmiston |
The College of Wooster |
An Electrocoagulation and Electrooxidation Treatment Train to Degrade Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Other Persistent Organic Contaminants in Ground Water |
Dora Chiang |
Remediation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Contaminated Groundwater Using Cationic Hydrophobic Polymers as Ultra-High Affinity Sorbents |
Reyes Sierra-Alvarez |
University of Arizona |
ERSON-18-C3: Improved Understanding of Stormwater Impacts and Control on Sediment Recontamination and Recovery |
Prevention of Sediment Recontamination by Improved BMPs to Remove Organic and Metal Contaminants from Stormwater Runoff |
Richard Luthy |
Stanford University |
Development, Evaluation, and Technology Transfer of BMPs for Optimizing Removal of PAHs, PCBs, PFASs, and Metals from Stormwater at DoD Sites |
Staci Simonich |
Oregon State University |
Treatment Media for Control of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Metals in Stormwater |
Birthe Kjellerup |
University of Maryland |
Development of Tools to Inform the Selection of Stormwater Controls at DoD Bases to Limit Potential Sediment Recontamination |
Danny Reible |
Texas Tech University |
ERSON-18-C4: Innovative Approaches for Monitoring and Implementing In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Aquatic Sediments |
Drinking Water Treatment Residuals as Material for in situ Capping of Metal Contaminated Sediments |
Jean-Claude Bonzongo |
University of Florida |
Proof-of-Concept for the in situ Toxicity Identification Evaluation (iTIE) Technology for Assessing Contaminated Sediments, Remediation Success, Recontamination and Source Identification |
Allen Burton |
University of Michigan |
ER18 Follow-Ons: |
ER17-1001 |
Actively Shaken in situ Passive Sampler Platform for Methylmercury and Organics |
Upal Ghosh |
University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
ER17-1003 |
Field Testing A Passive Multisampler To Measure Dioxins/Furans and Other Contaminant Bioavailability In Aquatic Sediments |
Rainer Lohmann |
University of Rhode Island |
ERSON-18-L1: Innovative Approaches for Treatment of Waste Derived from Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Subsurface Investigations |
Chemical Decomposition Combined with Physical Adsorption for the Treatment of Investigation-Derived Waste Containing PFASs |
Hyeok Choi |
The University of Texas, Arlington |
Reactive Electrochemical Membrane (REM) Reactors for the Oxidation of Perfluoroalkyl Compound Contaminated Water |
Brian Chaplin |
University of Illinois, Chicago |
High-Performance Treatment of PFASs from Investigation-derived Waste: Integrating Advanced Oxidation-Reduction and Membrane Concentration |
Jinyong Liu |
University of California, Riverside |
Hydrothermal Technologies for On-Site Destruction of Site Investigation Wastes Contaminated with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) |
Timothy Strathmann |
Colorado School of Mines |
Effective Destruction of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Water by Modified SiiC-Based Photocatalysts |
Young Chul Choi |
Research Triangle Institute |
A Cost-Effective Technology for Destruction of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from DoD Subsurface Investigation-Derived Wastes |
Dongye Zhao |
Auburn University |
Complete Reductive Defluorination of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) by Hydrated Electrons Generated from 3-Indole-Acetic-Acid in Chitosan-Modified Montmorillonite |
Hailiang Dong |
Miami University |
Innovative Treatment of Investigation-Derived Waste Polluted with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Contaminants and Other Co-Contaminants |
Thomas Boving |
University of Rhode Island |
Small-Scale Thermal Treatment of Investigation-Derived Wastes (IDW) Containing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) |
Paul Koster van Groos |
APTIM Federal Services, LLC |
Application of Non-Thermal Plasma Technology for the Removal of Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances from Investigation-Derived Wastes |
Christopher Sales |
Drexel University |
Evaluation of Indirect Thermal Desorption Coupled with Thermal Oxidation (ITD/TO) Technology to Treat Solid PFAS-impacted Investigation-Derived Waste (IDW) |
Frank Barranco |
EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. |
Demonstration of Smoldering Combustion Treatment of PFAS-Impacted Investigation-Derived Waste |
Dave Major |
Geosyntec Consultants |
A Combined Photo/Electrochemical Reductive Pathway Towards Enhanced PFAS Degradation |
David Jassby |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Pilot Scale Assessment of a Deployable Photocatalytic Treatment System Modified with BiPO4 Catalyst Particles for PFAS Destruction in Investigation-Derived Wastewaters |
Ezra Cates |
Clemson University |
Field Demonstration of Infrared Thermal Treatment of PFAS-contaminated Soils from Subsurface Investigations |
James Hatton |
CH2M Hill, Inc. |
Ex Situ Remediation of Investigation-Derived Wastes containing PFAS by Electron Beam Technology |
Suresh D. Pillai |
Texas A&M University |
Plasma Based Treatment Processes for PFAS Investigation Derived Waste |
Thomas Holsen |
Clarkson University |
Destruction of PFAS and Organic Co-Contaminants in Water and Soil Present in Investigation-Derived Waste at DoD Sites Using Novel Adsorbent and Ultrasound |
Hui Yu |
Amriton, LLC |
ERSON-18-L2: Defining Knowledge Gaps in the Understanding of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in the Subsurface |
A Framework for Assessing Bioaccumulation and Exposure Risks of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Threatened and Endangered Species on Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)-Impacted Sites |
Frank Gobas |
Simon Fraser University |
Guidance for Assessing the Ecological Risks of PFASs to Threatened and Endangered Species at Aqueous Film Forming Foam-Impacted Sites |
Jason Conder |
Geosyntec Consultants |
Establishment of Fate and Transport Mechanics for PFASs Under Controlled Aquifer Conditions and Correlation to Existing Data |
Brian Shedd |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District |
Investigating Potential Risk to Threatened and Endangered Species from Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) on Department of Defense (DoD) Sites |
Jamie Suski |
EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. |
Lines of Evidence to Assess the Effectiveness of PFAS Remedial Technologies |
Rula Deeb |
Geosyntec Consultants |
Approach for Assessing PFAS Risk to Threatened and Endangered Species |
Craig Divine |
Arcadis, US Inc. |
Munitions Response
MRSON-18-C1: Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater |
Improved Penetrometer Performance in Stratified Sediment for Cost-Effective Characterization, Monitoring and Management of Submerged Munitions Sites |
Nina Stark |
Virginia Tech |
Using Laboratory Techniques in the Field to Measure Munitions Mobility in the Underwater Environment |
Blake Landry |
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Simulation, Signal Extraction, and Augmented Visualization for 3D BOSS data |
Timothy Marston |
University of Washington |
MRSON-18-S1: Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater |
Shallow Water Lidar for Target Morphology: Impacts of Surface Roughness and Turbidity |
Jeffrey Thayer |
Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates, LLC |
Bistatic Target Classification using Low-Cost Unmanned Marine Vehicles in Shallow Water |
Erin Fischell |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
Wide Area Mapping of Munitions Distribution at Underwater Sites |
Joe Calantoni |
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
In-Situ Electrochemical Remediation of Underwater Unexploded Ordinance |
Kyoo Jo |
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center - Construction Engineering Research Laboratory |
Cubist-Inspired Deep Learning with Sonar for UXO Detection and Classification |
David Williams |
NATO STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) |
Demonstration of Physics-Based Inversions of Multibeam Echosounder for Sediment Properties |
Brian Hefner |
University of Washington |
Multimodal Sensor Fusion for UXO Classification and Remediation |
Aaron Marburg |
University of Washington |
MR18 Follow-Ons |
Meshfree Modeling of Munitions Penetration in Soils |
Sheng-Wei Chi |
University of Illinois, Chicago |
Resource Conservation and Resiliency
RCSON-18-C1: Advanced Approaches for Managing Individual Species and Ecosystems Across Jurisdictional Boundaries in A Non-Stationary World |
Using Remotely-sensed Data and Light-level Geolocator Technology to Inform Off-Post Landscape-Scale Conservation Planning for a Migratory Species |
Ashley Long |
Louisiana State University |
A Data-Driven Decision Support System to Identify Optimal Land Use Alternatives for Protecting Species of Concern on DoD and Surrounding Lands |
Charles Hawkins |
Utah State University |
Managing Metapopulations of Threatened Species Across Jurisdictional Boundaries: Quantifying Effects of Climate Change, Environmental Synchrony, Dispersal, and Corridors |
William Morris |
Duke University |
The Impacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Mojave Desert Tortoise Gene Flow Dynamics and Corridor Functionality |
Jill Heaton |
University of Nevada, Reno |
Engaging a Crowd-Sourced eDNA Database to Enhance DoD-relevant Conservation Goals |
Michael Schwartz |
USDA / US Forest Service National Genomics Center for Wildlife and Fish Conservation |
Critical Habitat Breadth for Gopherus Tortoises: a New Paradigm for Managing Threatened and Endangered Species in a Non-Stationary World |
Kevin Shoemaker |
University of Nevada, Reno |
A Multidisciplinary Assessment of Cross-Boundary Mitigation |
Liba Pejchar |
Colorado State University |
RCSON-18-C2: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Major Habitats on and Around DoD Lands |
Understanding and Assessing Riparian Habitat Vulnerability to Drought-Prone Climate Regimes on Department of Defense Bases in the Southwestern USA |
Michael Singer |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
Aquatic Ecosystem Vulnerability to Fire and Climate Change in Alaskan Boreal Forests |
Jeffrey Falke |
U.S. Geological Survey |
Resiliency and Vulnerability of Boreal Forest Habitat to the Interaction of Climate and Fire Disturbance across DoD Lands of Interior Alaska |
Scott Goetz |
Northern Arizona University |
Forecasting Dryland Ecosystem Vulnerability to Change: A Cross-system Assessment of Vegetation and Process Responses to Disturbance and Climate Variability on DoD Lands |
Scott Ferrenberg |
U.S. Geological Survey |
Climate-driven Landscape Disturbance Assessment |
Adam Atchley |
Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Interior Alaska DoD Training Land Wildlife Habitat Vulnerability to Permafrost Thaw, an Altered Fire Regime, and Hydrologic Changes |
Thomas Douglas |
U.S. Army ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory |
Using Unmanned Aerial Systems to Model Spatially-Mediated Heterogeneity in 3D Microclimate Landscapes |
Anna Carter |
Iowa State University |
RC18 Follow-Ons |
RC17-1004 |
Resilience of Boreal Ecosystems Assessed using High-Frequency Records of Dissolved Organic Matter and Nitrate in Streams |
Tamara Harms |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks |
RCSON-18-L1: Analysis of Defense Related Ecosystem Services |
Assessing Ecosystem Service Benefits from Military Installations |
James Kagan |
Oregon State University |
Value and Resiliency of Ecosystem Services on Department of Defense (DoD) Lands |
Nate McDowell |
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
DoD Land Management and Natural Capital/Ecosystem Services: Research on the Efficacy of Applying a Supply Chain Paradigm and Economic Valuation Tools to Optimize Management Decision-Making and Enable Quantification of DoD Stewardship Value |
Stephen Petron |
CH2M HILL, Inc. |
RCSON-18-L2: Quantifying the Effects of Environmental Nonstationarity at DoD Relevant Scales |
Integrating Remote Sensing and Field Measurements to Identify Environmental Nonstationarity on Interior Alaska DoD Training Lands |
Jennifer Watts |
The Woods Hole Research Center |
Next-generation rainfall IDF curves for the Virginian drainage area of Chesapeake Bay |
Xixi Wang |
Old Dominion University |
Determining the Temporal and Spatial Scales of Nonstationarity in Temperature and Precipitation across the Continental United States for a Given Emissions Scenario |
Daniel Feldman |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Weapons Systems and Platforms
WPSON-18-C1: Advancing Emulsion Science for Application in Armed Forces Vessels |
Preferential Surfactant Biodegradation for De-Emulsifying Bilge Water |
Josh Kogot |
Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division |
Relating the Phase, Flow, and Coalescence Behavior of Complex Shipboard Emulsions to the Physical and Chemical Properties of Model Surfactant-Oil-Water Systems |
John Howarter |
Purdue University |
Emulsion Characterization Study for Improved Bilgewater Treatment and Management |
Danielle Paynter |
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division |
Formation of Detergent Stabilized Oil-Water Emulsion in Bilge Water and a Method to Thwart the Same |
Manoj Chaudhury |
Lehigh University |
Understanding Shipboard Oil/Water Emulsions Using Macro- and Micro-scale Flows |
Cari Dutcher |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
WPSON-18-C2: Non-Chemical, Non-Media Removal Process for Thick, Elastomeric Specialty Coatings Used on DoD Weapon Systems |
Introducing Interfacial Bond Failure at the Elastomer-Primer Interface using Tailored Infrared-Sonication Hybrid Technology |
Jaspreet Dhau |
Molekule Inc |
WPSON-18-C3: Systems Approaches in Propulsion and Explosives Toward Replacing Materials Such as Ammonium Perchlorate (AP), RDX, and TNT |
Scalable Synthesis Development of MBANF |
David Price |
BAE Systems |
A "Green" Propylnitroguanidine (PrNQ) Based Solution for Comp B Applications |
Chase Munson |
U.S. Army Research Laboratory |
MTNI-based Replacement for Comp B in a Printed M67 Grenade |
Karl Oyler |
U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center |
An Integral Hypergolic Hybrid-Solid Fuel Ramjet Concept for AP-Free High Performance Tactical Rocket Motors |
Mark Pfeil |
Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center |
WPSON-18-C4: Development of Agile, Novel Expeditionary Battlefield Manufacturing Processes Using Recycled and Reclaimed Materials |
Development of an Agile, Novel Expeditionary Battlefield Manufacturing Plant using Recycled and Reclaimed Thermoplastic Materials |
Prabhat Krishnaswamy |
Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus (Emc2) |
From Waste Steel to Weapons: Additive Manufacturing Enabled Agile Manufacturing |
Diran Apelian |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Glass-Reinforced, Recycled PET as Additive Manufacturing Feedstock |
Moby Ahmed |
Ambercycle, Inc. |
Recycling and Reuse of Metal Alloys by a Single Solid-State Additive Manufacturing and Repair Process |
Paul Allison |
University of Alabama |
WP18 Follow-Ons |
WP18-1439 |
Development and Evaluation of Non-Chromate LHE ZnNi Passivations for DoD Electrical Connectors |
Matt O'Keefe |
Missouri University of Science and Technology |
WP18-1468 |
Tactical Solid Rocket Motor Propellant Systems that Eliminate Isocyanates and Ammonium Perchlorate |
Andrew Guenthner |
Air Force Research Laboratory |
WPSON-18-L1: Innovative Approaches to Fluorine-Free Aqueous Film Forming Foam |
Surfactants with Organosilicate Nanostructures for Use as Fire-Fighting Foams (F3) |
Matthew Davis |
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division |
Designing Next Generation Polymer-Based Surfactants for Fire Suppression |
Timothy Long |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Stability of Fluorine-Free Foams with Siloxane Surfactants for Improved Pool Fire Suppression |
Ramagopal Ananth |
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Innovative Nano-Encapsulated Ionic Liquid Based Surfactants for Flourine-Free Fire Extinguishing Foams |
Jaspreet Dhau |
Molekule, Inc. |
Fluorine-Free Ionic Liquids for Aqueous Film Forming Foam |
Tirumalai Sudarshan |
Materials Modification, Inc |
Fluorine Free Aqueous Film Forming Foams Based on Functional Siloxanes |
Kris Rangan |
Materials Modification, Inc |