The Resource Conservation and Resiliency program area is excited about the upcoming webinar on November 1st entitled, Supporting Department of Defense (DoD) Installation Sustainability through Informed Stormwater Management. Two speakers from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center will speak about their exciting and successful ESTCP demonstrations.
Ms. Heidi Howard will describe her project, a demonstration of a Stormwater Management Optimization Toolbox that is specifically designed to help DoD facilities achieve compliance with regulatory stormwater requirements for the minimum cost possible. This project validates the toolbox’s ability to accurately choose the more cost-effective modeling method in varying climates and regions by demonstrating it at 45 installations across the country.
Dr. Billy Johnson will then discuss his project, a demonstration and validation of a linked watershed-riverine modeling system for DoD installations. The system helps land managers assess outcomes resulting from military activities and support installation sustainability through informed watershed management of water, water quality, contaminants, and land-use impacts.
Both projects have had a significant impact at the installation level and will be sharing these achievements. We hope you can join us for the webinar!