The Department of Defense’s (DoD) Installation Restoration Program has set goals to achieve Response Complete (RC) at 90 percent of sites at active installations and Formerly Used Defense Site properties by the end of FY 2018 and to achieve RC at 95 percent of these sites by the end of FY 2021. Despite substantial progress made in the past 20 years, significant challenges remain for remediation of chlorinated-solvent contaminated groundwater at some sites. The Cost to Complete (CTC) is generally driven by high remedial costs at these sites. Cleanup to unrestricted use is often desired, but technically difficult to achieve, and sustainable remediation has become an increasingly important goal. To address these challenges, SERDP and ESTCP hosted a workshop on investment strategies to optimize research and demonstration impacts in support of DoD’s restoration goals. Such strategies will help ensure efforts are useful, timely, and integrated into the current practices and plans for the Installation Restoration Program.
The specific objectives of the workshop, held June 16, 2011, in Salt Lake City, Utah, were to review the current cleanup goals and management processes used by the different services, evaluate existing and potential future issues associated with site closure (particularly under performance based contracts) and identify research and demonstration strategies that, if incorporated into cleanup strategies, could improve remediation approaches, reduce risk, and ultimately reduce the CTC. Approximately 20 experts, including academic researchers, regulators, remedial project managers (RPMs), industry representatives, consultants, and government agency representatives, participated in the workshop.
The workshop provided a valuable forum for participants to identify remaining challenges in achieving remedy in place or RC goals and discuss how innovative technologies can be incorporated into existing restoration goals to minimize the CTC. Participants recognized that the regulatory standards may be lowered for some contaminants and that new contaminant issues have arisen such as 1,4-dioxane and perfluoroalkyl chemicals, both of which represent potential barriers to meeting current restoration goals. Technology transfer of innovative approaches is also a priority, and improved guidance and decision-making support is needed for RPMs, consultants, and regulators.
Workshop participants further developed a list of the key issues and identified high-priority research and demonstration needs. An overview of the current status of DoD restoration and a review of the science, remediation technology, characterization and monitoring technology, and technology transfer needs are presented in the Workshop Summary Report.
Based on the results of this workshop, SERDP released one FY 2013 Statement of Need on Improved Assessment and Optimization of Remediation Technologies for Treatment of Chlorinated Solvent-Contaminated Groundwater. For details on the solicitation and proposal submittal process, visit
At this year’s upcoming Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop, a technical session titled Incorporating Innovative Technologies to Meet DoD Restoration Goals from Remedy in Place to Response Complete will highlight key topics discussed during the workshop. Additional details regarding this session are available at