The DoD has funded numerous pilot- and field-scale demonstrations of in situ remediation technologies over the past 20 years. However, most of the projects perform careful monitoring and assessment over only a few months to a few years, and questions regarding the long-term performance and impacts have been addressed only rarely. Despite legitimate questions regarding long-term performance, there is a lack of data from field sites on the duration of treatment effects, the potential for long-term rebound, or the possibility of continued improvement in water quality after active treatment is ended. Given that carefully-monitored active restoration efforts have been performed for over 20 years, there is now an opportunity to develop long-term performance data, and to evaluate the conditions that foster or limit the long-term performance of different technologies. Such data would greatly assist the DoD by reducing risk and costs associated with the more difficult to treat contaminated sites. 

In May 2015, proposals were requested to conduct follow-up assessments at pilot- or full-scale restoration sites that had completed restoration activities three or more years ago. The objective of the solicitation was to evaluate the long-term performance and impacts of site restoration technologies. Specific questions to address within these projects included: 1) how long do remediation impacts persist; and 2) what technologies and site conditions are most likely to lead to long-term performance concerns? Specifically for groundwater sites, additional questions to address included: 1) how do different groundwater quality parameters change over time; and 2) what mechanisms control long-term groundwater quality?

Ten projects were selected for funding:

    • Dr. Tim Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

    • Dr. Todd Bridges, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental Laboratory

    • Dr. Robert Borden, Solutions-IES

    • Mr. Tim Appleman, NAVFAC Expeditionary Warfare Center

    • Dr. Mark Newman, University of Florida

    • Mr. Todd Wiedemeier, T.H. Wiedemeier & Associates

    • Dr. Mark Brusseau, University of Arizona

    • Dr. Wilson Clayton, Trihydro Corporation

    • Ms. Kenda Neil, NAVFAC Expeditionary Warfare Center

    • Mr. Kyle Kirchner, NAVFAC Expeditionary Warfare Center

These projects will be initiated in 2015 with Final Reports available in 2017. Additional information on these projects will be available on the SERDP & ESTCP web site.