More than 65 SERDP and ESTCP FY 2012 new start projects have been selected for funding. These projects responded to the following FY 2012 solicitations: SERDP Core, SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED), and ESTCP Environmental Technologies. Topics being addressed by these projects include wastewater treatment for forward operating bases; contaminated groundwater; contaminated sediments; risk assessment; munitions response (land and underwater environments); climate change impacts; natural resource inventory and monitoring; recovery of threatened, endangered, and at-risk plants; green manufacturing and maintenance; green energetics; and waste to energy conversion. : Projects selected for funding from the ESTCP FY 2012 Installation Energy Solicitation will be announced separately.
The tables below list the FY 2012 new start projects for SERDP (Environmental Restoration, Munitions Response, Resource Conservation and Climate Change, and Weapons Systems and Platforms) and ESTCP (Environmental Restoration, Munitions Response, Resource Conservation and Climate Change, and Weapons Systems and Platforms). As project overviews become available, links from the project numbers are provided below. Information on these and other SERDP and ESTCP projects is also available under Program Areas.
ERSON-12-01: Development of Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Processes for Forward Operating Bases | |||
A Self-Sustaining Solar-Bio-Nano-Based Wastewater Treatment System for Forward Operating Bases | Dr. Wei Liao | Michigan State University | |
Energy Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Systems for Forward Operating Bases Based on Microbial Fuel Cells and Microbial Desalination Cells | Dr. Bruce Logan | The Pennsylvania State University | |
Robust Membranes for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment by Forward Osmosis in FOBs | Dr. Menachem Elimelech | Yale University | |
Novel Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment System for Energy Generation at Forward Operating Bases | Dr. Kathryn Guy | U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center – Construction Engineering Research Laboratory | |
A Fully Integrated Membrane Bioreactor System for Wastewater Treatment in Remote Applications | Dr. Amy Childress | University of Southern California | |
Membrane Bioreactor/Ultra Low Energy Reverse Osmosis Membrane Process for Forward Operating Base Wastewater Reuse | Dr. Hua Wang | GE Global Research | |
Wastewater Treatment Using Microbial Fuel Cells with Peroxide Production | Dr. Cesar Torres | Arizona State University |
ERSON-12-02: Environmental Fate and Impacts of Insensitive Munitions Compounds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Characterization of Residues from the Detonation of Insensitive Munitions | Dr. Sonia Thiboutot | DRDC Valcartier | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dissolution of NTO, DNAN, and Insensitive Munitions Formulations and Their Fates in Soils | Dr. Katerina Dontsova | University of Arizona | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interaction of Microbial and Abiotic Processes in Soil Leading to the (Bio)Conversion and Ultimate Attenuation of New Insensitive Munitions Compounds | Dr. James Field | University of Arizona | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined Biological and Chemical Mechanisms for Degradation of Insensitive Munitions in the Presence of Alternate Explosives | Dr. Kevin Finneran | Clemson University | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Development of Environmental Health Criteria for Insensitive Munitions (IMX-101-104) | Dr. Mark Johnson | U.S. Army Institute of Public Health |
MRSON-12-01: Advanced Technologies for Detection, Discrimination, and Remediation of Military Munitions on Land | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Advanced EMI Models and Classification Algorithms: The Next Level of Sophistication to Improve Discrimination of Challenging Targets | Dr. Fridon Shubitidze | Dartmouth College | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Decision Support Tools for Munitions Response Performance Prediction and Risk Assessment | Dr. Laurens Beran | Sky Research, Inc. |
MRSON-12-02: Improvements in the Detection and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Simple Parameterized Models for Predicting Mobility, Burial and Re-Exposure of Underwater Munitions | Dr. Carl Friedrichs | Virginia Institute of Marine Science | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwater Munitions Expert System to Predict Mobility and Burial | Dr. Sarah Rennie | Johns Hopkins University | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Development and Testing of an Engineering Prototype of a Marine Version of the Berkeley Unexploded Ordnance Discriminator (BUD). | Dr. Huntly Frank Morrison | Marine Advanced Research, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inversion of High Frequency Acoustic Data for Sediment Properties Needed for the Detection and Classification of UXOs. | Dr. Brian Hefner | University of Washington | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Data and Processing Tools for Sonar Classification of Underwater UXO | Dr. Raymond Lim | Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acoustic Response of Underwater Munitions Near a Sediment Interface: Measurement-Model Comparisons and Classification Schemes | Dr. Steven Kargl | University of Washington |
MRSEED-12-01: Advanced Technologies for Detection, Discrimination, and Remediation of Military Munitions on Land and Underwater | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detection of Underwater Unexploded Ordnance in Mud | Dr. Robbert van Vossen | TNO Defence | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Classification Study Using a Handheld, Three-Element EMI Sensor | Dr. Tom Bell | SAIC |
RCSON-12-01: Assessment and Monitoring of Biological Diversity: Method Development | |||||||||||||||||
Methods for Assessment of Species Richness and Occupancy across Space, Time, Taxonomic Groups, and Ecoregions | Dr. Erica Fleishman | University of California, Davis | |||||||||||||||
Predicting, Measuring, and Monitoring Aquatic Invertebrate Biodiversity on Dryland Military Bases | Dr. David Lytle | Oregon State University | |||||||||||||||
Development of an Environmental Metagentics Approach for Monitoring Aquatic Biodiversity | Dr. David Lodge | University of Notre Dame | |||||||||||||||
Patterns and Processes: Monitoring and Understanding Plant Diversity in Frequently Burned Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Landscapes | Dr. Joseph O'Brien | USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station |
RCSON-12-02: Climate Change Impacts to Department of Defense Installations | |||
Decision Scaling: A Decision Framework for DoD Climate Risk Assessment and Adaptation Planning | Dr. Casey Brown | University of Massachusetts | |
Assessing Climate Change Impacts for DoD Installations in the Southwest United States during the Warm Season | Dr. Christopher Castro | University of Arizona | |
Understanding Data Needs for Vulnerability Assessment and Decision Making to Manage Vulnerability of DoD Installations to Climate Change | Dr. Richard Moss | Battelle, Pacific Northwest Division, Joint Global Change Research Institute | |
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation on Southwestern DoD Facilities | Dr. Raphael Sagarin | University of Arizona | |
Climate Change Impacts to Department of Defense Installations | Dr. Veerabhadra Kotamarthi | Argonne National Laboratory |
WPSON-12-01: Chemical Agent Resistant Powder Topcoats | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Novel Coatings Systems for Use as High Performance Chemical Agent Resistant Powder Topcoats | Mr. Mark Wytiaz | Sherwin-Williams |
WPSON-12-02: Scale-Up and Formulation of Green Insensitive Secondary Explosives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GrIMEx (Green IM Explosive): Development of Novel IM Comp B Replacements Based on Green TNT and RDX Replacements | Dr. David Price | BAE Systems | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Melt-Castable Formulations Containing DAAF as Replacements for Comp B | Ms. Elizabeth Francois | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
WPSON-12-03: Waste to Energy Converters for Overseas Contingency Operations | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thermal Catalytic Syngas Cleanup for High-Efficiency Waste-to-Energy Converters | Dr. Christopher Martin | University of North Dakota | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rotary Kiln Gasification of Solid Wastes for Base Camps | Mr. Stephen Cosper | U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center – Construction Engineering Research Laboratory | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shredded Waste Downdraft Gasifier for Overseas Contingency Operations Waste-to-Energy Conversion | Mr. Michael Cushman | Infoscitex Corporation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigating Efficient Tar Management for Deployable Waste-to-Energy Systems | Mr. Patrick Scott | Lockheed Martin |
PSON-12-04: Reliability of Tin-Whisker-Mitigating Conformal Coatings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tin Whiskers Inorganic Coatings Evaluation (TWICE) | Mr. David Hillman | Rockwell Collins, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Novel Whisker Mitigating Composite Conformal Coat Assessment | Dr. Stephen Meschter | BAE Systems |
Bioaugmentation for Aerobic Bioremediation of RDX-Contaminated Groundwater | Dr. Mandy Michalsen | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District | |
Validation of Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis to Document the Biodegradation and Natural Attenuation of RDX | Dr. Paul Hatzinger | Shaw Environmental, Inc. | |
Methods for Minimization and Management of Variability in Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Results | Dr. Thomas McHugh | GSI Environmental Inc. | |
Designing, Assessing, and Demonstrating Sustainable Bioaugmentation for Treatment of DNAPL Sources in Fractured Bedrock | Dr. Charles Schaefer | Shaw Environmental, Inc. | |
Frequently Asked Questions about Monitored Natural Attenuation in the 21st Century | Dr. Charles Newell | GSI Environmental Inc. | |
Cost-Effective and High-Resolution Subsurface Characterization Using Hydraulic Tomography | Dr. Chin Man Mok | AMEC Geomatrix, Inc. | |
A Flexible Permeable Reactive Barrier for Protection of Wetland Sediments from Heavy Metals in Runoff Water | Dr. Steven Larson | U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center – Environmental Laboratory | |
Demonstration of Fluorescent Magnetic Particles for Linking Sources to Sediments at DoD sites | Dr. Jim Leather | Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command | |
Evaluating the Efficacy of Bioaugmentation for In-Situ Treatment of PCB Impacted Sediments | Dr. Kevin Sowers | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | |
Sediment Bioavailability Initiative: Development of Standard Methods and Approaches for the Use of Passive Samplers in Assessing and Managing Contaminated Sediments | Dr. Charles Menzie | Exponent, Inc. |
Detection and Discrimination in One-Pass Using the OPTEMA Towed-Array | Dr. Stephen Billings | Sky Research, Inc. | |
Dipole Discrimination Techniques Applied to Live Sites | Dr. Leonard Pasion | Sky Research, Inc. | |
Continued Discrimination Demonstration Using Advanced EMI Models at Live UXO Sites: Data Quality Assessment and Residual Risk Mitigation in Real Time | Dr. Fridon Shubitidze | Sky Research, Inc. | |
UXO Characterization in Challenging Survey Environments Using the MPV | Dr. Nicolas Lhomme | Sky Research, Inc. | |
The Effect of Noise on EM61-MK2 and MetalMapper Classification Strategies | Mr. Stephen Stacy | ARCADIS / Malcolm Pirnie | |
Comprehensive MMRP Live Site Technology Demonstration of Advanced Geophysics and Advanced Classification Methods | Ms. Victoria Kantsios | URS Group, Inc. | |
Quality Control Methodologies for Advanced EMI Sensor Data Acquisition and Anomaly Classification | Mr. Ryan Steigerwalt | Weston Solutions, Inc. | |
Perform MetalMapper Classification Treatability Investigations as Part of Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies | Mr. Craig Murray | Parsons, Inc. | |
Demonstration of ROV-Based Underwater Electromagnetic Array Technology | Dr. Gregory Schultz | Sky Research, Inc. | |
Vortex Lattice UXO Mobility Model Integration | Dr. Gerald D'Spain | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | |
Capturing Lessons Learned as Revealed by Large Scale Classification Demonstration Data | Dr. Dean Keiswetter | SAIC | |
Real-Time Quality Control Methods for Cued EMI Data Collection | Mr. Jonathan Miller | Sky Research, Inc. |
Operational-Scale Demonstration of Propagation Protocols and Comparative Demographic Monitoring for (Re-)Introducing Five Southeastern Endangered and At-Risk Plants | Mr. Matthew Hohmann | U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center – Construction Engineering Research Laboratory | |
Assessing and Monitoring DoD Coral Reef Communities Using Advanced Fluorescence Techniques | Mr. William Wild | Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command | |
Remote Sensing Technology for Threatened and Endangered Plant Species Recovery | Dr. Erin Questad | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | |
Environmental DNA as a Tool for Inventory and Monitoring of Aquatic Vertebrates | Dr. Alexander Fremier | University of Idaho | |
Monitoring Species of Concern Using Noninvasive Genetic Sampling and Capture-Recapture Methods | Dr. Lisette Waits | University of Idaho |
Lightweight and Compostable Packaging for the Military | Dr. Jo Ann Ratto | U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development & Engineering Center | |
In-Situ Shipboard Heat Exchanger Cleaning and Maintenance Using Innovative i2 Bubble Infusion (i2BI) Technology | Dr. Richard Lee | Naval Facilities Engineering Command – Engineering Service Center | |
Chrome Replacement for Gun Barrels | Mr. Brad Buening | Naval Surface Warfare Center – Dahlgren Division | |
Vinyzene-Max: An Environmentally-Friendly Replacement for Tri-Butyl-Tin-Based Biocides in USN Surface Ship Bow SONAR Domes | Dr. Thomas Ramotowski | Naval Undersea Warfare Center | |
Biodegradable Sonobuoy Decelerators | Mr. Warren Ingram | Naval Air Warfare Center – Weapons Division | |
Scale-Up and Formulation of Green Insensitive DEMN Based Secondary Explosives | Ms. Erika Rivera | U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center | |
Demonstration of a Polypropylene Packed Material for the Treatment of Solids in Shipboard Bilgewater | Mr. Momar Seck | Naval Surface Warfare Center – Carderock Division |