Processes, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, the sixth installment in a Remediation Technology Monograph Series*, serves as a reference guide to help practitioners, scientists, and engineers better understand and assess contaminated sediment sites and identify and design more efficient and effective remedial approaches. Leading experts from academia and industry contributed to this monograph, which was edited by Dr. Danny C. Reible of Texas Tech University (previously of the University of Texas at Austin).
The monograph describes a number of important sediment processes including sediment resuspension, groundwater upwelling, hyporheic exchange and bioturbation, sediment erosion and transport, and physical and biological processes occurring at the sediment-water interface. Subsequently, the monograph delves into risk assessment approaches such as bioavailability assessments to support risk management decisions as well as contaminated sediment remedial approaches and their design. Approaches covered include monitored natural recovery, intrinsic biotransformation and biodegradation, in situ treatment via carbon amendments, in situ containment via capping with either inert material or with active amendments, and dredging and excavation. The monograph also addresses monitoring programs to evaluate remedy performance.
In facilitating this monograph series, SERDP and ESTCP seek to provide the broader remediation community with current knowledge and the most up-to-date tools available in order to encourage full and effective use of these technologies. The next installment in the series will address chlorinated solvent source zone remediation.
To obtain a copy of Processes, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, visit
* Other books in this monograph series:
Bioaugmentation for Groundwater Remediation
Delivery and Mixing in the Subsurface: Processes and Design Principles for In Situ Remediation
In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Groundwater Remediation