SERDP and ESTCP Environmental Restoration Program Manager
The Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) hosted a workshop from August 9-10, 2016 in Seattle, WA. The workshop focused on determining research and demonstration needs for the long-term management of contaminated sediments.
The objectives of the meeting were to (1) examine the current state of the science and technology for the restoration of contaminated sediment sites; (2) review the current and projected future status of DoD restoration activities; (3) identify data gaps that, if addressed, could aid in the restoration of contaminated sediments; and (4) prioritize research and demonstration opportunities to help facilitate regulatory and public acceptance of restoration of contaminated sediment sites.
The Program’s Sediment Technical Review Panel composed of representatives from the Services and industry provided critical input on the meeting’s focus, specific structure, and participants. Invited participants including DoD and EPA remedial project managers, state remedial program leads, and university and industry scientists participated in this two-day meeting that consisted of a series of introductory presentations describing the scope of the long-term management of contaminated sediments, directed discussions on the state of the science, and an overview of the relevant research and demonstrations funded by SERDP and ESTCP.
Five breakout sessions were convened to discuss key topics: (1) reducing the impacts of stormwater discharge to sediment recontamination, (2) the interplay of cleanup actions with navigation dredging, (3) emerging contaminants-of-concern in sediments, (4) means of increasing confidence in sediment Cleanup Levels, and (5) ways to improve the monitoring of remedy effectiveness. On the first day of the breakout sessions the working groups focused on defining the respective issues data gaps, and research and demonstration needs. Breakout sessions on the second day focused on prioritizing the research, demonstration, and technology transfer needs that could be addressed over the next five years.
Findings from the workshop have been summarized in a Summary Report that will serve as a strategic plan to guide future SERDP and ESTCP investments, including development of Statements of Need for the most recent FY18 SERDP Solicitation