The Resource Conservation and Resiliency (RCR) team engaged one of its key research communities by participating in the 102nd annual Ecological Society of America (ESA) conference.

Dr. Kurt Preston, the recently established RCR Program Manager spoke to over 150 attendees as part of a Federal Research Roundtable. In addition to his presentation, SERDP and ESTCP engaged participants one on one by answering research questions each day of the conference at their booth. SERDP and ESTCP’s participation in this event is key to bringing the best research to the forefront to meet DoD’s needs and drive support for DoD capabilities at the minimum cost and maximum benefit. Thousands of attendees attend the event and each one may possess critical insight and ability to conduct research to answer DoD needs. As a result, it is important for the programs to continually outreach to as many researchers as possible to ensure a high number of quality applicants each year. Furthermore, attendance in the technical sessions by Dr. Preston provides critical understanding and technology transfer in the DoD of the current state of science in the ecology arena.
By way of background, ESA was established in 1915 and has over 10,000 members. This year the meeting emphasized the following theme: “linking biodiversity, material cycling and ecosystem services in a changing world”. Sessions were focused on how biodiversity is the foundation for many ecosystem services, how ecosystem functioning can translate into ecosystem services, and the role different dimensions of biodiversity play in developing such understanding. Each year ESA brings new opportunities to connect with researchers around the country. The RCR program area is already looking forward to next year’s meeting.