The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) released solicitations in August 2024, seeking proposals for:

AFFF Destruction: ESTCP has supported the demonstration of technologies and combined technologies designed for management and treatment of soils and waters impacted by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Proposals should focus on the demonstration of technologies that can be utilized for the destruction of AFFF concentrates. Given the complex composition of AFFF, combined technologies or treatment train approaches are of interest.

Demonstration of Munitions Response Technologies for Underwater Environments at Real-World Munitions Response Sites: A primary goal of this effort is to collect data that will support technology transition from demonstration environments to sites where munitions must be managed or cleaned up. Proposals should focus on the demonstration and validation of unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection, classification, and localization (DCL) systems intended for the underwater environment at real-world sites where munitions are known to exist. Demonstrations are needed to establish and evaluate system performance, operating envelope, standard operating procedures, deployment strategies, and quality metrics to facilitate transition to commercial use.

Innovation in Climate Adaptation Technologies for DoD Key Geographies: ESTCP seeks to demonstrate, evaluate, and refine existing climate adaptation technologies that leverage prior successfully funded research or technology from ESTCP or other Federally funded programs (e.g., National Science Foundation, Joint Fire Science Program, REPI Sentinel Landscapes) for a new, innovative DoD purpose in a DoD Key Geography. Key geographies include Alaska, California, Sonoran Desert, Southeast United States, and Pacific Islands.

ESTCP supports the demonstration of technologies that address priority DoD environmental and installation energy requirements. ESTCP’s goal is to promote the transfer of innovative technologies through demonstrations that collect the data needed for regulatory and DoD end-user acceptance. Projects conduct formal demonstrations at DoD facilities and sites in operational settings to document and validate improved performance and cost savings.



The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) fund resilience, restoration, and conservation projects that enhance capabilities and sustain operations at Department of Defense (DoD) installations. SERDP identifies and addresses priority environmental science and technology opportunities that focus on mission requirements, and ESTCP transitions technologies out of the lab and into the field. The programs report to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy Resilience & Optimization headquartered at the Pentagon. For more information, visit