Sixty-six SERDP and ESTCP FY 2013 new start projects have been selected for funding. These projects responded to the following FY 2013 solicitations: SERDP Core, SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED), and ESTCP Environmental Technologies.
Topics being addressed by these projects include assessing and optimizing remediation technologies for chlorinated solvent-contaminated groundwater; remediation of emerging contaminants, particularly 1,4-dioxane; managing contaminants on testing and training ranges; munitions response in land and underwater environments; climate change impacts and adaptive responses for Pacific Island installations; soil ecology ties to natural resource management; watershed management; wildland fire management; marine mammal ecology and management; green manufacturing and maintenance; green energetics; and particulate matter emissions.
The tables below list the FY 2013 new start projects for SERDP (Environmental Restoration, Munitions Response, Resource Conservation and Climate Change, and Weapons Systems and Platforms) and ESTCP (Environmental Restoration, Munitions Response, Resource Conservation and Climate Change, and Weapons Systems and Platforms). As project overviews become available, links from the project numbers are provided below. Information on these and other SERDP and ESTCP projects is also available under Program Areas.
ERSON-13-01: In Situ Remediation of 1,4-Dioxane-Contaminated Groundwater |
In Situ Biodegradation of 1,4-Dioxane: Effects of Metals and Chlorinated Solvent Co-Contaminants |
Dr. Shaily Mahendra |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Developing and Field-Testing Genetic Catabolic Probes for Monitored Natural Attenuation of 1,4-Dioxane with a One-Year Timeframe |
Dr. Pedro Alvarez |
Rice University |
Facilitated Transport Enabled In Situ Chemical Oxidation of 1,4-Dioxane-Contaminated Groundwater |
Dr. Kenneth Carroll |
New Mexico State University |
Evaluation of Branched Hydrocarbons as Stimulants for In Situ Cometabolic Biodegradation of 1,4-Dioxane and Its Associated Co-Contaminants |
Dr. Michael Hyman |
North Carolina State University |
Development of a Passive Flux Meter Approach to Quantifying 1,4-Dioxane Mass Flux |
Dr. Michael Annable |
University of Florida |
Proof-of-Concept Study: Novel Microbially-Driven Fenton Reaction for In Situ Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated With 1,4-Dioxane, Tetrachloroethene (PCE) and Trichloroethene (TCE) |
Dr. Thomas DiChristina |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
In Situ Bioremediation of 1,4-Dioxane by Methane Oxidizing Bacteria In Coupled Anaerobic-Aerobic Zones |
Dr. Charles Schaefer |
Shaw Environmental, Inc. |
In Situ Treatment and Management Strategies for 1,4-Dioxane-Contaminated Groundwater |
Dr. David Adamson |
GSI Environmental, Inc. |
ERSON-13-02: Improved Assessment and Optimization of Remediation Technologies for Treatment of Chlorinated Solvent-Contaminated Groundwater |
Practical Assessment and Optimization of Redox-Based Groundwater Remediation Technologies |
Dr. Paul Tratnyek |
Oregon Health and Science University |
Development of Field Methodology to Rapidly Detect Dehalococcoides and Dehalobacter Spp. Genes On-Site |
Dr. Alison Cupples |
Michigan State University |
A Practical Approach for Remediation Performance Assessment and Optimization at DNAPL Sites for Early Identification and Correction of Problems Considering Uncertainty |
Dr. Jack Parker |
University of Tennessee |
Development of an Integrated Field Test/Modeling Protocol for Efficient In Situ Bioremediation Design and Performance Uncertainty Assessment |
Dr. Linda Abriola |
Tufts University |
Advanced Environmental Molecular Diagnostics to Assess, Monitor, and Predict Microbial Activities at Complicated Chlorinated Solvent Sites |
Dr. Frank Löffler |
University of Tennessee |
Forecasting Effective Site Characterization and Early Remediation Performance |
Dr. Michael Kavanaugh |
Geosyntec Consultants |
CO2 Radiocarbon Analysis to Quantify Organic Contaminant Degradation, MNA, and Engineered Remediation Approaches |
Dr. Thomas Boyd |
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
MRSON-13-01: Advanced Technologies for Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions on Land |
Strategies and Methods for Effective UXO Classification |
Dr. Len Pasion |
Black Tusk Geophysics, Inc. |
MRSON-13-02: Improvements in the Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater |
Continuous Monitoring of Mobility, Burial and Re-exposure of Underwater Munitions in Energetic Near-Shore Environments |
Dr. Peter Traykovski |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
Long Time Series Measurements of Munitions Mobility in the Wave-Current Boundary Layer |
Dr. Joe Calantoni |
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Development and Testing of an Engineering Prototype for a Marine Version of the Berkeley Unexploded Ordnance Discriminator (BUD): Phase II |
Dr. Frank Morrison |
Marine Advanced Research, Inc. |
Advanced SAS Imaging Methods for Resonating Underwater Acoustic Targets |
Mr. Ira Ekhaus |
BAE Systems |
MRSEED-13-01: Improvements in the Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater |
Haptically-Enabled Co-Robotics for Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater |
Dr. Howard Chizeck |
University of Washington |
Modeling Buried Target Acoustic Response by Component |
Mr. Lane Owsley |
University of Washington |
Surf-Zone Underwater Robotic Demonstration Platform |
Dr. Robert Hughes |
Applied Research Associates, Inc. |
RCSON-13-01: Department of Defense Pacific Island Installations: Impacts of and Adaptive Responses to Climate Change |
The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Department of Defense Installations on Atolls in the Pacific Ocean |
Dr. Curt Storlazzi |
U.S. Geological Survey |
Advancing Best Practices for the Formulation of Localized Sea Level Rise/Coastal Inundation “Extremes” Scenarios for Military Installations in the Pacific Islands |
Dr. John Marra |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
Impacts of Changing Climate on Pacific Island-Based Defense Installations |
Dr. Jeffery Donnelly |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
Water Resources on Guam: Potential impacts and adaptive response to climate change for Department of Defense Installations |
Dr. Stephen Gingerich |
U.S. Geological Survey |
RCSON-13-02: Improved Understanding of Soil Ecology to Meet Department of Defense Natural Resource Management Challenges |
Restoration of Soil Microbial Function Following Degradation on Department of Defense Lands: Mediating Biological Invasions in a Global Change Context |
Dr. Kristina Stinson |
Harvard College |
Role of the Soil Microbial Community in Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) and Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) Seedling Establishment in Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)-Invaded Habitats |
Dr. Paul Dijkstra |
Northern Arizona University |
Controls Regulating Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Ecosystems: The Role of Fire and Military Training |
Dr. Nina Wurzburger |
University of Georgia |
Achieving Dryland Restoration Through the Deployment of Enhanced Biocrusts to Improve Soil Stability, Fertility and Native Plant Recruitment |
Dr. Nichole Barger |
University of Colorado |
Soil Microbial Communities: Critical Roles in Control of Non-Native Invasive Species and Restoration of Ecosystem Functions |
Dr. James Bever |
Indiana University – Bloomington |
WPSON-13-01: Non-Isocyanate Polymers for Military Topcoats |
Replacement of Isocyanate Chemistry for Polyurethane-Like Topcoats |
Dr. Yigal Blum |
SRI International |
Non-Isocyanate Polymer Design and Coating Development |
Dr. Ljiljana Maksimovic |
PPG Industries, Inc. |
WPSON-13-02: Ionic Liquids Technology |
Alternative Plating Processes for Metal Electroplating Based on Ionic Liquids |
Dr. Sheng Dai |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
WPSON-13-03: Environmentally Advantaged Submunitions |
MEMS-Enabled Reliable Submunition (MERS) |
Mr. Charles Robinson |
U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center |
WPSON-13-04: Application of Synthetic Biological Techniques for Energetic Materials |
Nitration Enzyme Toolkit for the Biosynthesis of Energetic Materials |
Dr. David Graham |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Applying Synthetic Biology Principles to Increase Biocellulose (BC) Production |
Dr. Mark Fuller |
Shaw Environmental, Inc. |
Generating a Synthetic Biology Toolbox for Nitroorganics |
Dr. Jon Magnuson |
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |