Sixty-four SERDP FY 2019 new start projects have been selected for funding. These projects responded to the FY 2019 SERDP Core and SEED solicitations.
Topics being addressed by these projects include assessment and characterization of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance contamination; understanding and treatment of munitions constituents contamination; munitions response in underwater environments; management of wildland fires; management of natural resources; reduction of aircraft engine noise; predictive corrosion modeling; alternative gun propellant manufacture; novel pyrotechnic formulations, and improved materials for warfighter protection.
The tables below list the FY 2019 SERDP new start projects for Environmental Restoration, Munitions Response, Resource Conservation and Resiliency, and Weapons Systems and Platforms. As project overviews become available, links from the project numbers will be provided below. Information on these and other SERDP and ESTCP projects is also available under Focus Areas.
Environmental Restoration
ERSON-19-C1: Ecological Risk Characterization of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Subsurface: Bioavailability, Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification | |||
Uptake and Bioaccumulation/Biomagnification of Subsurface-Derived PFASs by Lotic, Warm Water Food Webs |
Marie Kurz |
Drexel University |
Determination of Biomagnification Potentials for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Terrestrial Food Webs |
Roman Kuperman |
U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center |
Physiological, Ecological and Environmental Determinants of PFAS Accumulation in Fish: Towards an Improved Bioaccumulation Model |
Christopher Salice |
Towson University |
Developing a Predicitive Understanding of PFAS Bioaccumulation with Environmental Complexity: Application to the Model Benthic Invertebrate Hyalella azteca and Common Fish Model Pimephales promelas |
Matt Simcik |
University of Minnesot |
ERSON-19-C2: Development of Standardized Analytical and Environmental Sampling Methods for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Subsurface |
Bench-Scale Assessment of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Complex Resistivity Screening Technologies for Rapid Assessment of PFASs in Soils and Sediments |
Lee Slater |
Rutgers University Newark |
Developing PIGE into a Rapid Field-Screening Test for PFAS |
Graham Peaslee |
University of Notre Dame |
Development and Validation of Analytical Methods for Comprehensive Profiling of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Firefighting Foam Impacted Environmental Matrices |
Jinxia Liu |
McGill University |
Assessing and Mitigating Bias in PFAS Levels during Ground and Surface Water Sampling |
Jennifer Field |
Oregon State University |
Rapid Site Profiling of Organofluorine: Quantification of PFASs by Combustion Gas Analysis |
David Hanigan |
University of Nevada, Reno |
ERSON-19-C3: Innovative Treatment Options to Mitigate Munitions Constituent Transport on DoD Testing and Training Ranges |
NTO and DNAN Transformations Quantified using Enriched Stable Isotope Tracers |
Craig Tobias |
University of Connecticut |
Complete Biodegradation of Insensitive High Explosive Compounds |
Jim Field |
University of Arizona |
Integrative Approach to Quantifying Fate of Munitions Constituents on Training Ranges |
Katerina Dontsova |
University of Arizona |
Development of Innovative Passive and Sustainable Treatment Technologies for Energetic Compounds in Surface Runoff on Active Ranges |
Mark Fuller |
APTIM Federal Services, LLC |
Bioaugmentation for Enhanced Mitigation of Explosives in Surface Soil |
Fiona Crocker |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center |
Optimizing Carbon Amendments that Simultaneously Adsorb and Transform Legacy and Insensitive High Explosives |
Wenqing Xu |
Villanova University |
Understanding why RDX Persists in Soils and Developing Technologies to Prevent Transport of RDX and NTO from Testing and Training Ranges |
Timothy Cary |
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory |
ERSON-19-C4: Cost Effective Options for Treatment of Wastes from Munitions Constituents Manufacturing |
High Rate Degradation of 3-Nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) to Environmentally Benign End Products in Sequential Reducing-Oxidizing Reactive Mineral Packed Bed Reactors |
Jim Field |
University of Arizona |
Cost Effective Treatment Trains for Wastewater Containing Legacy Munitions and Insensitive High Explosives |
Jennifer Weidhaas |
University of Utah |
Electrochemically-Induced In Situ Degradation of Legacy Munitions and Insensitive High Explosives in Manufacturing Wastewater |
Philip Larese-Casanova |
Northeastern University |
Membrane Bioreactor System for Cost Effective Treatment of Munitions Constituents Manufacturing Wastes |
Paul Hatzinger |
APTIM Federal Services, LLC |
Reactive Electrochemical Membrane Reactors for Electrochemical Degradation of Munitions Constituents in Manufacturing Wastewaters |
Brian Chaplin |
University of Illinois at Chicago |
Munitions Response
MRSON-19-C1: Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater |
Coupled Ensemble Sea-Floor Environment and 6-DOF Model for Assessing Characteristics of Munitions Underwater and their Environment |
Peter Chu |
Naval Postgraduate School |
Advanced Capabilities in the Underwater Munitions Expert System |
Sarah Rennie |
Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory |
Bistatic Acoustic Scattering from Munitions: Interactions with Nearby Clutter and the Water-Sediment Interface |
Steven Kargl |
University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory |
Advanced Marine EMI Processing Techniques for Munitions Detection and Classification |
Stephen Billings |
Black Tusk Geophysics |
Towards Developing Demonstrations for Munitions Mobility and Burial in the Underwater Environment |
Joe Calantoni |
Naval Research Laboratory |
MRSON-19-C2: Modeling Predictions of Munitions Penetration in a Variety of Soils Underwater |
Robust Prediction of Ordnance Depth of Burial Soils using Field Calibrated Phenomenological Model & Probabilistic Simulations |
Stephan Bless |
New York University |
MRSON-19-S1: Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater |
Crab-like Legged Robot for Accessing and Classifying Munitions in Surf Zones |
Kathryn Daltorio |
Case Western Reserve University |
Intrinsic Scalar Magnetic Gradiometer for Accurate Localization of Magnetic Anomalies |
Rui Zhang |
Geometrics, Inc. |
MR19 Follow-Ons |
Development of Blast-Barge technology for Underwater Munitions Demolition Follow-On |
Timothy Shelton |
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center |
Resource Conservation and Resiliency
RCSON-19-C1: Wildland Fire Research to Improve Military Land use Efficiency |
3D Fuel Characterization for Evaluating Physics-Based Fire Behavior, Fire Effects, and Smoke Models on U.S. Department of Defense Military Lands |
Roger Ottmar |
USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station |
Live Fuels: Identification of Key Processes Controlling Ignition and Fuel Combustion |
David Blunck |
Oregon State University |
Characterizing Multiscale Feedbacks Between Forest Structure, Fire Behavior and Effects: Integrating Measurements and Mechanistic Modeling for Improved Understanding of Pattern and Process |
Chad Hoffman |
Colorado State University |
Physics-Based Modeling of Fire Behavior and Smoke Plume Development, How Much is Enough? |
William Mell |
U.S. Forest Service |
Understanding Fire Response to Spatial Variations in Vegetation Distribution and Wind Flow |
Bret Butler |
U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station |
Influence of Fuel Heterogeneity and a Novel Fuel Rendering technique on Fire Spread Predictions |
Eric Rowell |
Tall Timbers Research Station |
RCSON-19-C2: Conservation Tools to Support DoD Training Land Use |
Using Engineered DNA to Assess Spatial and Temporal Variation in eDNA as a Measure of the Temporal and Spatial Variation of Biodiversity |
Jose Andres |
Cornell University |
Detection and Identification of Environmental DNA from Beaked Whales on the Navy's Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) Range using Droplet Digital PCR |
Charles Scott Baker |
Oregon State University |
Assessing Pollinator Communities via Environmental DNA (eDNA) Metacommunity Assay |
Mark Davis |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Scaling Up from Individuals to Populations: Integrating Spatial Ecology with Multi-Locus Environmental DNA to Improve Detection and Estimate Populations Parameters |
Caren Goldberg |
Washington State University |
Development of eDNA Tools to Quantify Freshwater Mussel Abundance and Monitor breeding Activity Across Multiple River Systems |
Katy Klymus |
U.S. Geological Survey |
Predicting eDNA Transport and Degradation in Flowing Waters: Application of a Conservation Tool using Integrated Experimental, Field, and Modeling Approaches |
Jennifer Tank |
University of Notre Dame |
Weapons Systems and Platforms
WPSON-19-C1: Aircraft Engine Noise Reduction Technology |
Flow Control of Large-Scale Coherent Turbulence to Reduce Jet Noise |
Steven Miller |
University of Florida |
Noise Abatement in Afterburning Jet Engines using Chevron Seals |
Shawn O'Connor |
U.S. Naval Air Systems Command |
Aircraft Engine Noise Reduction Technology |
Junhui Liu |
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C. |
Impact of Shear Layer Swirl on Near- and Far-Field Noise Emissions from Twin-Engine Military Aircraft |
Z.J. Wang |
University of Kansas |
WPSON-19-C2: Predictive Corrosion Models to Mitigate Environmental Hazards |
An Experimental and Finite Element Modeling Approach to Determining Degradation of Aircraft Coating Systems |
Steve Policastro |
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Predictive Coating Condition Model for Advanced Asset Management |
Fritz Friedersdorf |
Luna Innovations, Inc. |
Predictive Corrosion Models to Mitigate Environmental Hazards on Ground and Rotary Wing Assets |
Fred Lafferman |
Army Research Laboratory |
Multi-Modal Corrosion Solutions for Aircraft Structures |
Christine Sanders |
Naval Research Laboratory |
WPSON-19-C3: Additive Manufacturing of Gun Propellants with Reduced Environmental Impact |
Additive Manufactured Gun Propellants from UV Curable Nitrocellulose Based Resins |
Zachary Doorenbos |
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division China Lake |
Environmentally Friendly 3D Printed Propulsion Charge |
Jared Moretti |
U.S. Army RDECOM - Army Research, Development and Engineering Center |
Ambient Reactive Extrusion for Design and Manufacture of Novel, Environmentally Friendly Gun Propellant Formulations for Additive Manufacturing |
Jason Robinette |
U.S. Army Research Laboratory |
WPSON-19-C4: Novel Pyrotechnics that Reduce Environmental Impact |
Development of Pyrophoric Foam Materials for Environmentally-Benign Pyrotechnics |
Zhaohua Luan |
U.S. Army RDECOM - Army Research, Development and Engineering Center |
On-Command Pyrotechnic Light Emission Through Controlled Electromagnetic Irradiation |
Eric Miklaszewski |
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division |
Feasibility of a Thermoelectric Generator for a Reduced Environmental Impact Electronic Flare |
Joost van Lingen |
High Color Purity Low Smoke Solvent-Free Multi-Color Signal Flares |
Richard Bouma |
WPSON-19-C5: Multifunctional Fibers and Textiles for Warfighter Integrated Protection |
New Methodology to Assess Health and Environmental Impact of Flame Resistant Textiles |
Thomas Tiano |
U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center |
A Simple Surface Functionalization Method for Multifunctional Textiles With Flame and Vector Protection |
Ravi Mosurkal |
U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center |
WP19-1051 |
Environmentally Friendly Multifunctional Materials for Shelters |
Robin Szczuka |
U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center |
Insect Resistant Textiles for Disease Vector Protection |
Bryan Koene |
Luna Innovations, Inc. |
Electrospun Multifunctional Composite Fibers for Improved Warfighter Insect Protection |
Jeffrey Lundin |
Naval Research Laboratory |
WP19 Follow-Ons |
Retrogressive Approach to Determine Fungal Biodegradation Responses and Mechanisms to Polyurethane-Based Coatings |
Justin Biffinger |
University of Dayton |