Eighty-one SERDP FY 2020 new start projects have been selected for funding. These projects responded to the FY 2020 SERDP Core and SEED solicitations.
Topics being addressed by these projects include assessment and characterization of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance contamination; munitions response in underwater environments; management of wildland fires; management of natural resources; development of advance coating systems, and development of environmental friendly energetic materials.
The tables below list the FY 2020 SERDP new start projects for Environmental Restoration, Munitions Response, Resource Conservation and Resiliency, and Weapons Systems and Platforms. As project overviews become available, links from the project numbers will be provided below. Information on these and other SERDP and ESTCP projects is also available under Focus Areas.
Environmental Restoration |
ERSON-20-C1: Biodegradation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Found in Aqueous Film Forming Foams | |||
Microbially-Mediated Defluorination of High-Priority PFAS: Microorganisms, Genetics, and Biochemistry |
Jinxia Liu |
McGill University |
Biotransformation and Potential Mineralization of PFOS, PFHxS, and PFOA by Acidimicrobiaceae sp. A6 under Iron Reducing Conditions |
Peter Jaffe |
Princeton University |
A Synergistic Platform for Defluorination of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs) through Catalytic Reduction Followed by Microbial Oxidation |
Bruce Rittmann |
Arizona State University |
Biodegradation of PFAS via Superoxide-Hyper-Producing Bacteria |
Pedro Alvarez |
Rice University |
Identification, Characterization, and Application of Reductive Defluorinating Microorganisms |
Yujie Men |
University of California, Riverside |
ERSON-20-C2: Development of Passive Sampling Methodologies for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances |
Ion Exchange Membranes and Fibers as Passive Samplers for Chemically-Diverse PFAS |
Lee Blaney |
University of Maryland Baltimore County |
Development of a Novel PFAS Passive Sampler with Efficient Sorbent Media and Robust Membrane Barrier |
Yin Wang |
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee |
Osorb® Media Use in PFAS Passive Samplers |
Craig Divine |
Arcadis |
Development of Passive Sampling Methodologies for PFAS |
Sarit Kaserzon |
The University of Queensland |
Passive Samplers for PFAS with Innovative Sorbents |
Mei Sun |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte |
Development and Field-Testing of Advanced Passive Samplers for PFAS |
Rainer Lohmann |
University of Rhode Island |
Development of Novel Functionalized Polymeric Thin Films for Equilibrium Passive Sampling of PFAS in Surface and Groundwater |
Upal Ghosh |
University of Maryland Baltimore County |
Development of a Diffusive Gradients in Thin-Films Passive Sampling Methodology for PFAS in Water |
Julian Fairey |
University of Arkansas |
ERSON-20-C3: Development of Analytical Methods to Assess Leaching and Mobility of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Soils, Sediments, and Solid Wastes |
Development and Validation of Novel Techniques to Assess Leaching and Mobility of PFAS in Impacted Media |
Jennifer Guelfo |
Texas Tech University |
ERSON-20-C4: Quantitative Groundwater Plume Characterization to Support Transition Assessments |
Development of Predictive Tools for Assessment of Natural Attenuation Capacity and Treatment Transition at Chlorinated Solvent Sites |
Natalie Capiro |
Auburn University |
Quantifying the Distribution of Biotic and Abiotic Transformation Rate Constants in Low Permeability Clay Zones for Improved Assessment of TCE Impacts to Groundwater at DoD Field Sites |
Charles Werth |
University of Texas at Austin |
ER20-1270 |
Quantitative Assessment of Long-term Abiotic Transformation Rates of Chlorinated Solvents |
Weile Yan |
University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Developing a Quantitative Framework for Predicting Abiotic Attenuation under Natural and Transitional Site Management Scenarios |
Paul Tratnyek |
Oregon Health & Science University |
ER20-1368 |
Development of Protocols to Quantify Abiotic Transformation Rates and Mechanisms for Chlorinated Ethenes in Water Supply Aquifers |
David Freedman |
Clemson University |
Field Deployable ORP Kit for Quantitative Assessment of Abiotic Monitored Natural Attenuation Rates |
Dimin Fan |
Geosyntec Consultants |
Transitioning from Active Remedies to Monitored Natural Attenuation |
David Adamson |
GSI Environmental Inc. |
ERSON-20-C5: Forensic Methods for Source Tracking and Allocation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances |
Improving Access and Utility of Analytical Data for the Confident Discovery, Identification, and Source-Attribution of PFAS in Environmental Matrices |
Benjamin Place |
National Institute of Standards & Technology |
Establishing an Approach to PFAS Forensics and a PFAS Source Materials Forensic Library |
Mark Benotti |
NewFields Government Services |
Machine Learning Pattern Recognition for Forensic Analysis of Detected PFAS in Environmental Samples |
Tohren Kibbey |
University of Oklahoma |
Ultrahigh-Resolution Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry for Fingerprinting, Source Tracking, and Allocation of PFAS |
Jens Blotevogel |
Colorado State University |
A Simple and Robust Forensic Technique for Differentiating PFAS Associated with Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) from other PFAS Sources |
David L. Sedlak |
University of California |
Comprehensive Forensic Approach for Source Allocation of PFAS |
Chris Higgins |
Colorado School of Mines |
ERSON-20-A1: Ecotoxicity of Fluorine-Free Surfactant Formulations |
Soil Ecotoxicity of Fluorine-Free Surfactant Formulations |
Roman Kuperman |
U.S. Army Chemical Biological Center |
ER20-1508 |
Assessing the Ecotoxicity of Fluorine-Free Surfactant Formulations in Wild Mice and Japanese Quail |
Michael Quinn |
U.S. Army Public Health Center |
Comparative Assessment of Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Fluorine-Free Formulations in Terrestrial Plants and Model Soil Invertebrates |
Xiaoqin Wu |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Ecotoxicity of Fluorine-Free Fire Fighting Foams |
Ed Wirth |
NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science |
Multi-Taxa Ecotoxicity of Novel Fluorine Free Foam versus Next Generation Alternatives to Aquatic Species for Informing Risk Assessment |
Jamie Suski |
EA Engineering Sciences and Technology, Inc. |
The Relative Toxicities of Current Use Aqueous Film Forming Foams and Next Generation Alternatives to Aquatic Species for Informing Risk Assessment |
Jason Hoverman |
Purdue University |
Munitions Response |
MRSON-20-C1: Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater | |||
Mobility and Burial of Variable Density Munitions in the Inner Surf and Swash Zones during Controlled Extreme Forcing |
Jack Puleo |
University of Delaware |
Limited Scope Development of a Sediment Fluidization and Target Handling Claw for UXO Burial at Underwater Munitions Test Ranges |
Nicolas Michel-Hart |
University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory |
Finite element modeling and assessment of acoustic scattering by unexploded ordnance in variable seafloor environments |
Aaron Gunderson |
Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin |
Physics-Based Features and Classification Architecture for Underwater Buried Targets |
Lane Owsley |
University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory |
Detection and Classification of Military Munitions Underwater Using Active Fluorometric Imaging (AFI) |
Steven Ackleson |
Naval Research Laboratory |
MRSEED-20-S1: Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater |
Development of Surf-Zone Capable Unmanned Surface Vessels |
Peter Traykovski |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
Exhuming Munitions via Turbulence-Induced Bed Fluidization |
Blair Johnson |
University of Texas at Austin |
Area and Depth Coverage Assessment for Acoustic Unexploded Ordnance Detection Surveys |
Robbert van Vossen |
Novel Eulerian Two-Phase Simulations for Burial Dynamics of Munitions |
Tian-Jian Hsu |
University of Delaware |
Resource Conservation and Resiliency |
RCSON-20-C1: Installation Resilience Research: Theoretical Frameworks for Compound Threats | |||
Modeling Compound Threats to Interdependent Infrastructure Systems on Naval Installations |
Daniel Eisenberg |
Naval Postgraduate School |
Severe Impact Resilience: Assessment Framework for Adaptive Compound Threats |
Imes Chiu |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratory |
NICE: Networked Infrastructures under Compound Extremes |
Auroop Ganguly |
Northeastern University |
Predicting Impacts of Species Loss on Ecosystem Resilience: an Experimental Test of a Novel Theoretical Framework |
Jinelle Sperry |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratory |
RCSON-20-C2: Improved Understanding of Response of DoD Relevant Marine Mammal Populations to Multiple Stressors |
Towards an Understanding of the Cumulative Effects of Multiple Stressors on Marine Mammals – an Interdisciplinary Working Group with Case Studies |
Peter Tyack |
University of St Andrews |
Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Multiple Stressors on Marine Mammals– Elephant Seals as a Model System |
Daniel Costa |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
RCSON-20-C3: DoD Wildland Fire Management Research for Improved Military Land Use |
Closing Gaps in Measurements and Understanding: Plume Characteristics, Live Fuel Moisture Dynamics, and Process-Based Modeling |
Russell Parsons |
USDA Forest Service, RMRS Fire Sciences Laboratory |
An Improved Understanding of Fuel Dynamics, Fire Behavior and Regional Air Quality Impacts of Prescribed Burning at DoD Lands |
Mehmet Odman |
Georgia Tech Research Corporation |
The Role of Vorticity and Fuel Moisture on the Near-Field Plume Structure and Ember Dynamics |
Bryan Quaife |
Florida State University |
The Effect of Fuel Characteristics and Fire Dynamics on Emissions, Dispersion, and Air Quality Impacts |
Brian Gullett |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development |
Object-Based Aggregation of Fuel Structures, Physics-Based Fire Behavior and Self-Organizing Smoke Plumes for Improved Fuel, Fire, and Smoke Management on Military Lands |
Andrew Hudak |
USDA Forest Service |
A Multiscale Study of the Coupling Between Flow, Fire and Vegetation – Influence of Vegetation Distribution and Flow on Fire Behavior and Plume Development for Risk Mitigation in Prescribed Burns |
Albert Simeoni |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Novel Sloping Wind Tunnel Experiments and Adaptive Mesh Simulations of Fine-Scale Combustion for Physics-Based Models of Wildland Fire |
Peter Hamlington |
University of Colorado, Boulder |
Weapons Systems and Platforms |
WPSON-20-C1: Development of Advanced Coating Systems | |||
Selectively Strippable Silyl-Containing Aerospace Topcoats using Environmentally Friendly Fluoride Salts |
Erick Iezzi |
Naval Research Laboratory |
Isocyanate-Free Organosilane Polymers for Specialty Aircraft Coatings |
Erick Iezzi |
Naval Research Laboratory |
Selective Atmospheric Plasma Coating Removal (APCR) for Composite Substrates |
Peter Yancey |
Atmospheric Plasma Solutions, Inc. |
Development of Novel Next Generation Cure-On-Demand Ultra High Solid (UHS) Non-Skid Coating |
Charles White |
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division |
WPSON-20-C2: Advanced Synthesis Techniques for Military-Relevant Energetic Materials or Significant Precursors |
Reduction of Acidic and Toxic Waste Streams in Explosives Manufacturing Using Electrochemical Nitration |
Matthew Burk |
Nalas Engineering Services, Inc. |
Innovative, Scalable and Sustainable Bio-manufacturing Routes to Precursors of the High Explosive Hexa-nitro-hexa-azaisowurtzitane (CL-20) |
Nigel Scrutton |
University of Manchester |
Retrobiosynthetic Design and Genome Mining for Renewable Energetic Materials |
Ben Gordon |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Reaction Acceleration of Military Relevant Energetic Compounds and Precursors through Confined Volume Methodologies |
Patrick Fedick |
Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division |
Continuous Nitration of Alternative Cellulose Feedstocks |
Joost van Lingen |
Sustainable, Low Cost Production of Biosynthetic 1,2,4-Butanetriol and Butanetriol Trinitrate |
Benjamin Harvey |
Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division |
WPSON-20-C3: Novel Solutions for Prevention of CMAS Accumulation in Gas Turbine Engines |
Sandphobic Thermal / Environmental Barrier Coatings for Gas Turbine Engines |
Anindya Ghoshal |
U.S. Army Research Laboratory |
WPSON-20-C4: Environmentally Benign Rocket Propellants |
Biological Production of Thermal Stabilizers |
David Graham |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
WPSON-20-C5: Development of New Approaches for Demilitarization of Conventional Military Munitions |
Demilitarization of Hexachloroethane-Containing Smoke Ammunition by Sublimation and Carbonization. |
Matthew Davis |
Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division |
WPSEED-20-S1: Reduction of Hazardous Waste Streams from Composite Manufacturing and Repair |
Integrated Approach to Material State Assessment for Composite Manufacturing and Repair Waste Reduction |
Joseph Tsang |
Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division |
Closed Loop Recycling of Composite Waste Streams into High Performance Aligned Short Fiber Composites |
Dirk Heider |
University of Delaware |
Recycling of Composites and Prepregs by Oxidative Catalysis |
Steven Nutt |
University of Southern California |
Methods to Understand, Monitor, and Extend Prepreg Storage Time |
Steven Nutt |
University of Southern California |
WPSON-20-A1: Innovative Approaches to Fluorine-Free Fire Fighting Foams |
Drop-in Synergistic Surfactants and Additives for Effective Pool Fire Suppression |
Ramagopal Ananth |
Naval Research Laboratory |
Polyethylene Oxide-Based Polymer Formulations for Fluorine Free Fire Suppression |
Braden Giordano |
Naval Research Laboratory |
Hollow Microspheres Based Fire Fighting Foams |
Krishnaswamy Rangan |
Materials Modification, Inc. |
Aqueous Film Forming Foams Based on Biodegradable Natural Surfactants and Additives |
Tirumalai Sudarshan |
Materials Modification, Inc. |
Innovative Nano-Encapsulated Ionic Liquid-Based Surfactants for Fluorine-Free Fire Extinguishing Foams |
Jaspreet Dhau |
Molekule, Inc. |
Additive Enhanced Siloxane Surfactants for Fire Fighting Foams |
Krishnaswamy Rangan |
Materials Modification, Inc. |
Enhancement of Fluorine-Free Fire Fighting Agents for Compressed Air Foam Applications |
Jeffery Owens |
Air Force Civil Engineering Center |