It is with great pride and pleasure that SERDP and ESTCP announce the 2017 Projects of the Year. This year’s awards recognize scientific advances and technological solutions to some of DoD’s most significant environmental and installation energy challenges—
- remediation of 1,4-dioxane in contaminated soils
- improving energy efficiency in building heating and cooling operations
- safe and cost effective demolition of underwater unexploded ordnance
- improving techniques for monitoring listed, at-risk, and invasive species
- elimination of hexavalent chromium from DoD maintenance operations
- characterization of fate and biotransformation of fluorochemicals in contaminated groundwater
- modeling mobility of munitions in the underwater environment
- understanding the changes in occurrence and intensity of extreme weather events
- improving the reliability of submunitions
These projects will be featured in the slideshow on the home page of the SERDP and ESTCP website through the middle of February. Please visit the SERDP and ESTCP blog to read more about each of these award-winning projects!
SERDP Projects of the Year
Environmental Restoration
Characterization of the Fate and Biotransformation of Fluorochemicals in AFFF-Contaminated Groundwater at Fire/Crash Testing Military Sites
Dr. Jennifer Field, Oregon State University | Project Highlights
Munitions Response
Parameterized Process Models for Underwater Munitions Expert System
Dr. Carl Friedrichs, Virginia Institute of Marine Science | Project Highlights
Resource Conservation and Resiliency
Assessing Climate Change Impacts for DoD Installations in the Southwest United States During the Warm Season
Dr. Christopher Castro, University of Arizona | Project Highlights
Weapons Systems and Platforms
MEMS-enabled Reliable Submunition (MERS)
Mr. Charles Robinson and Mr. Jeffrey Smyth, U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center | Project Highlights
ESTCP Projects of the Year
Energy and Water
Coupling Geothermal Heat Pumps with Underground Thermal Energy Storage"
Mr. Chuck Hammock, Andrews, Hammock & Powell, Inc. | Project Highlights
Environmental Restoration
1,4-Dioxane Remediation by Extreme Soil Vapor Extraction (XSVE)
Dr. Rob Hinchee, IST | Project Highlights
Munitions Response
Development of Blast-Barge Technology for Underwater Munitions Demolition
Mr. Timothy Shelton, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Engineer Research and Development Center | Project Highlights
Resource Conservation and Resiliency
Environmental DNA as a Tool for Inventory and Monitoring of Aquatic Vertebrates
Dr. Alexander Fremier and Dr. Caren Goldberg, Washington State University | Project Highlights
Weapons Systems and Platforms
Environmentally Friendly Zirconium Oxide Pretreatment
Mr. Fred Lafferman, Army Research Laboratory | Project Highlights