Statements of Need (SONs) for Weapons Systems and Platforms (WP) projects are beginning to require a Sustainability Analysis (SA). This requirement is in keeping with the Defense Acquisition Guidebook, which requires program managers to consider sustainability during systems acquisition, analyzing and developing systems to meet performance requirements while minimizing life cycle costs and avoiding environmental and occupational liabilities. Currently, the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) “Sustainability Analysis Guidance” provides the defense community with such an approach. However, executing a SA can be time- and data-intensive.
The SERDP and ESTCP WP Program Manager, Dr. Robin Nissan, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Sustainment), and Noblis partnered to develop a user-friendly, web-based tool for SA. This tool, called SparkLC, is now available to all SERDP and ESTCP researchers and will assist the defense community in developing data and tools to make more robust sustainability decisions.
This course will use case studies, discussions and hands-on activities to introduce attendees to the SA approach and the SparkLC web tool. Although a computer is not required, attendees may use their computer in real-time to access SparkLC. Attendees will leave the course with A) knowledge to address SA requirements for WP SONs, B) the capability to conduct a SA of a basic system, and C) knowledge and resources to conduct SA of more complex systems.
Dr. Andrew Henderson, Noblis
New Tools for Sustainability Analysis: Capturing Life Cycle Costs and Impacts in Defense Acquisition |