July 20-21, 2004 Park City, Utah
To view presentations please download the archive below:
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0845 | Convene Meeting |
0845-0855 | Introductory remarks, meeting logistics | Sartwell | NRL |
0855-0915 | Overview of projects managed or co-managed by HCAT (with JG-PP or PEWG) | Sartwell | NRL |
0915-0945 | Insertion of HVOF coatings on new advanced aircraft | Maitland | Goodrich |
0945-1015 | Data warehousing, HCAT web site, and Implementation Assessment Methodology | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1015-1030 | Break |
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1030-1105 | HVOF for Landing Gear | Hetherington | Messier-Dowty |
1105-1130 | Status of EA-6B and other flight testing of LG components; NAVAIR approvals on production | Devereaux | NADEP Jacksonville |
1130-1200 | Rig and flight testing of HVOF-coated LG components; HVOF insertion at Messier-Dowty | Dabrowski | Messier-Dowty |
1200-1315 | Lunch (provided) |
1315-1340 | Testing of HVOF-coated LG components; insertion of HVOF coatings on new-design LG | Evans | Goodrich |
1340-1400 | Evaluation and qualification of HVOF coatings for C-17 landing gear; Demonstration/Qualification of Sputtered Aluminum Coating on C-17 Wheel Axles | Gilman | Boeing Long Beach |
1400-1420 | Status report on process mapping studies | Legoux | NRC Canada |
1420-1440 | HVOF technology insertion on Boeing commercial aircraft | Falkowski | Boeing Commercial |
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1440-1455 | Planned flight testing and HVOF implementation at NADEP Cherry Point | Kestler | NADEP Cherry Point |
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1455-1510 | Status of AMEC Specifications on HVOF powder, coating application and grinding for HS steel | Devereaux | NADEP Jacksonville |
1510-1525 | Break |
1525-1550 | ARL investigations on NanoSteel and cold spray coatings for military applications | Lempicki | Army Research Laboratory |
1550-1610 | HVOF coating approvals on aircraft, new powder developments | Nicoll | Sulzer Metco |
1610-1635 | Benet Laboratory studies on thick chromium coatings by cylindrical magnetron sputtering | Truszkowska | Army Research Laboratory |
1635-1700 | Update on sputter aluminum technology | Gaydos | Boeing St. Louis |
1700 | Adjourn for day |
1830-2100 | Outdoor reception for all attendees at Yarrow Resort |
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0745-0830 | Continental breakfast in meeting room |
0830 | Convene meeting |
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0830-0855 | Fatigue test results (final review) | Bretz | Metcut |
0855-0920 | Wear and corrosion test results (final review) | Sartwell | NRL |
0920-0940 | Carbon seal test results (final review) | Legg | Rowan Technology |
0935-1005 | HVOF technology insertion at OC-ALC, review of PEWG projects on chrome replacement | Bondaruk | PEWG |
1005-1020 | Break |
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1020-1040 | Status of execution of Materials Joint Test Protocol | Sartwell | NRL |
1040-1115 | Delta qualification testing on Air Force actuators and HVOF technology insertion | Reynolds | ARINC |
1115-1130 | Qualification of HVOF coatings on Navy actuators | Gribble | NAVAIR |
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1130-1145 | Review of March 2004 stakeholders meeting | Sartwell | NRL |
1145-1205 | Development of Joint Test Protocol | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1205-1330 | Lunch (on your own) |
1330-1350 | Status of rig and flight testing on HVOF-coated dynamic components from Navy aircraft | Kestler | NADEP Cherry Point |
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1350-1415 | Electrodeposited nanocrystalline Co-P coatings | Gonzalez | Integran |
1415-1435 | Plasma-spray coatings | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1435-1500 | AFRL investigations on alternative coatings | Kolek | Air Force Research Lab. |
1500-1525 | Electroless Ni-B coatings for hard chrome replacement | McComas | Universal Chemical |
1525-1540 | Break |
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1540-1550 | Overview of electrospark deposition project for field- and depot-level component & coatings repair | Sartwell | NRL |
1550-1615 | Electrospark deposition studies for gas turbine engine component repair | Price | Advanced Surfaces, Inc. |
1615-1630 | Army applications for electrospark deposition | Pollard | Anniston Army Depot |
1630-1645 | ESD studies for repair of Navy ship components | Sartwell | NRL |
1645-1700 | Collaborative study between PNNL and NADEP North Island on ESD demonstration | Bailey Richards | PNNL NADEP NI |
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1700-1715 | Electrolytic plasma processing for cleaning, coating dep. for Cd replacement and anodization | Sartwell | NRL |
1715 | Adjourn |