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This surface engineering database is a relational database that provides documents and data required for making informed decisions on implementation of clean coatings and surface treatments. This database includes the following:

  • Reliable engineering data on the performance of clean alternative coatings and surface treatments from DoD and commercial test programs
  • Information and data on coating producibility issues, including production methods, grinding and finishing, stripping, non-destructive inspection, etc.
  • Information on what specific coatings have been authorized for DoD and commercial use
  • Information on coatings that have been implemented by DoD or commercial organizations

This database is continually growing as more documents are added, concentrating initially on coatings that avoid the use of Cr6+. The documents in the database cover alternatives to the following types of coatings:

  • Beryllium Alternatives
  • Chromate Conversion Alternatives
  • Cadmium Plate Alternatives
  • Chromic Acid Anodize Alternatives
  • Chromate Adhesive Bond Primer Alternatives
  • Chromate Conversion Alternatives
  • Chromate Metallic-Ceramic Alternatives
  • Chromate Primer Alternatives
  • Chromate Sealant Alternatives
  • Hard Chrome Plate Alternatives
  • High VOC Material Alternatives
  • Coating Removal (stripping)
  • Cleaners
  • Corrosion Preventive Compounds
  • Lead-Free Materials (e.g. DFLs)
  • ESOH

If you are unable to find what you are looking for in the database, please contact klegg@corrdesa.com. The information you seek may be available but not yet incorporated in the database. We would also like your feedback on the database structure and content so that we can improve the system accordingly and ensure that we are including the documents and data that you require.

To assist our efforts to expand the database, please also contact klegg@corrdesa.com if you have additional information such as engineering test reports, service evaluations, authorization documents, and information on where clean technologies are currently in use that you believe should be included in the database.