February 20-21, 2002 Orlando, Florida
To view presentations please download the archive below:
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0800-0845 | Registration (Continental breakfast available) (Registration Fee is $40, payable by check made out to Geo-Centers, Inc. or in cash) |
0845 | Convene Meeting |
0845-0855 | Introductory Remarks, meeting logistics | Sartwell | NRL |
0855-0905 | Overview of HCAT Program | Sartwell | NRL |
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0905-0915 | Overview of outstanding technical issues, summary of LG meeting at BWI Sheraton, Oct. 2001 | Legg | Rowan Technology |
0915-0930 | Coating optimization and integrity testing | J. Sauer | Sauer Engineering |
0930-0950 | Bend testing of WC/Co-coated A10 LG cylinders and 4-point bending tests | Edwards | Hill AFB |
0950-1010 | Bend testing of WC/CoCr-coated cylinders and Dash 8 rig tests | Panza-Giosa | Goodrich |
1010-1025 | Break |
1025-1040 | Planned coating integrity testing on large tensile specimens | Bretz | Metcut Research |
1040-1055 | Planned coating integrity testing | Eui Lee | NAVAIR |
1055-1105 | Stress-corrosion cracking measurements | Eun Lee | NAVAIR |
1105-1125 | Salt spray and electrochemical corrosion testing of WC/Co and WC/CoCr coatings | Gaydos | Boeing St. Louis |
1125-1150 | Corrosion/Fatigue analysis of HVOF cermet coatings | Parker | Kennedy Space Center |
1150-1310 | Lunch |
1310-1325 | Summary of U.S. Landing Gear Joint Test Report | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1325-1340 | Final overview of C-HCAT coupon testing | Li | Orenda |
1340-1355 | F/A-18 E/F nose landing gear rig test | Dabrowski | Messier-Dowty |
1355-1415 | Application of HVOF coatings on commercial landing gear | Randolph | Delta Airlines |
1415-1430 | Coating process mapping/integrity test development plans | Panza-Giosa | Goodrich |
1430-1445 | Initial testing of HVOF coatings on ultra-high-strength steel for C17 Program | Gilman | Boeing Long Beach |
1445-1500 | NDI through HVOF coatings | Kolek | AFRL |
1500-1515 | Break |
1515-1530 | Issuance of AMEC specifications | Parker | Kennedy Space Center |
1530-1600 | Quantitative analysis of wear tests; results of low pitch stop lever sleeve rig testing; issuance of JTR | Kestler | NADEP Cherry Point |
1600-1615 | Execution of materials Joint Test Protocol | Sartwell | NRL |
1615-1640 | TF33 component qualification and HVOF technology insertion at Oklahoma City ALC | Tsiao | Tinker AFB |
1640-1655 | Qualification of HVOF process on TF34 engine components | Devereaux | NADEP JAX |
1655 | Adjourn for day |
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0800-0830 |
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0830-0915 |
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0915-0930 | Planned rod/seal actuator testing at Pax River | Sartwell | NRL |
0930-0955 | Status of qualification of C-130 rudder booster actuator and other qualification test plans | Reynolds | ARINC |
0955-1015 |
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1015-1035 | Barrows | Supfina | |
1035-1045 | Contracts with OEMs for component identification and test requirements | Sartwell | NRL |
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1045-1100 | NADEP Jacksonville | Devereaux | NADEP JAX |
1100-1115 | NADEP Cherry Point | Kestler | NADEP Cherry Point |
1115-1130 | Ogden Air Logistics Center | Cheever | Hill AFB |
1130-1245 |
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1245-1310 | Electrospark deposition project update | Johnson | PNL |
1310-1335 | Electrodeposited nanocrystalline coatings project update | D. Lee | McDermott |
1335-1400 | Plasma-spray coatings project update | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1400-1425 | Review of SERDP Green Gun Barrel Program | Rusch | Benet Laboratories |
1425-1445 |
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1445-1510 |
| Matthews | PEWG |
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1510-1530 | Update on HCAT web site | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1530-1600 | Review of important technical issues and work to be accomplished prior to next HCAT meeting and |
1600 | Adjourn |