November 18-19, 2003 Kennedy Space Center Visitors Center
To view presentations please download the archive below:
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0820 | Board buses and depart for Kennedy Space Center Visitors Center (KSCVC) |
0845 | Arrive at KSCVC |
0900 | Convene Meeting |
0900-0910 | Introductory remarks, meeting logistics | Sartwell | NRL |
0910-0925 | Overview of projects managed or co-managed by HCAT (with JG-PP or PEWG) | Sartwell | NRL |
0925-0955 | Overview of ECOCHROM Project | Negre | ECOCHROM Project Manager |
0955-1015 | Chromium and cadmium replacement options on advanced aircraft | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1015-1025 | Data warehousing and HCAT web site | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1025-1040 |
| |
1040-1110 | Materials testing, qualification of HVOF on AF landing gear, and implementation at Ogden ALC | Edwards | Hill AFB |
1110-1135 | Results of P3 LG rig test, status on EA-6B LG, and status on flight testing of LG components | Devereaux | NADEP Jacksonville |
1135-1200 | F/A-18 E/F nose landing gear rig test and other LG testing at Messier-Dowty | Schmidt | Messier-Dowty |
1315-1335 | Landing gear testing at Goodrich | Panza-Giosa | Goodrich |
1335-1350 | Summary of producibility studies (NDI, finishing, fluid compatibility) at Heroux | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1350-1415 | Process mapping studies | Legoux | NRC Canada |
1415-1430 | HVOF technology insertion at Delta Airlines | Randolph | Delta Airlines |
1430-1455 | Compression/compression fatigue testing and results of engine testing | Nardi | Hamilton Sundstrand |
1455-1515 | Planned flight testing and HVOF implementation at NADEP Cherry Point | Kestler | NADEP Cherry Point |
1515-1530 | Break |
1530-1545 | Status of AMEC Specifications on HVOF powder, coating application and grinding for HS steel | Parker,Devereaux | NASA KSC,NADEP JAX |
1545-1610 | Electrospark deposition studies for repair of Navy ship components | Aylor | NSWC Carderock |
1610-1635 | NanoSteel coatings | Breitsameter | The NanoSteel Company |
1635-1700 | ARL studies on NanoSteel coatings | Champagne | Army Research Laboratory |
1700-1720 | Kinetic metallization coatings for production and repair of aerospace components | Gabel | Inovati |
1720 | Adjourn for day |
1720-1800 | Free time at KSCVC |
1800 | Board NASA buses for transportation to Apollo Saturn V Facility (ASVC) |
1810-2120 | Reception at ASVC |
2120-2135 | Return to KSCVC on NASA buses |
2135-2200 | Return to Radisson Hotel on buses |
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0820 | Board buses and depart for Kennedy Space Center Visitors Center (KSCVC) |
0845 | Arrive at KSCVC |
0900 | Convene meeting |
0900-0925 | Results of fatigue testing | Bretz | Metcut |
0925-0940 | Initial results on wear testing | Sauer | Sauer Engineering |
0940-1000 | Initial results on carbon seal testing | Schell | GE Aircraft Engines |
1000-1025 | Qualification of HVOF on TF33 components, technology insertion at OC-ALC | Taube | PEWG |
1025-1040 | Break |
1040-1100 | Studies on high-temperature applications of HVOF coatings | Jacobs | AFRL |
1100-1120 | Review of October stakeholder meeting and development of materials and rod/seal JTPs | Sartwell | NRL |
1120-1145 | Actuator rig testing and planned flight testing | Moorman | NAVAIR Pax River |
1145-1210 | Delta qualification testing on AF actuators and HVOF technology insertion | Reynolds | ARINC |
1210-1330 | Lunch |
1330-1350 | Seal performance against HVOF coatings on actuators and landing gear | Nespola | Shamban Aerospace |
1350-1410 | Overview of chrome replacement work on hydraulic cylinder rods at Caterpillar | Beardsley | Caterpillar |
1410-1435 | Electrodeposited nanocrystalline Co-P coatings | Gonzalez | Integran |
1435-1445 | Electrospark deposition | Johnson | Pacific Northwest Lab |
1445-1505 | Plasma-spray coatings | Legg,Legoux | Rowan Tech.NRC Canada |
1505-1525 | Thermal spray coating of internal surfaces using a pulse spray gun | Eidelman | SAIC |
1525-1540 | Break |
1540-1555 | Overview of project on electrospark deposition for field- and depot-level component and coatings repair | Sartwell | NRL |
1555-1620 | Electrospark deposition studies for gas turbine engine component repair | Price | Advanced Surfaces, Inc. |
1620-1635 | Army applications for electrospark deposition | Pollard | Anniston Army Depot |
1635-1655 | Grinding and superfinishing of HVOF coatings using superabrasive belts and film tapes | Peterson | 3M |
1655-1715 | Electrolytic plasma processing for cleaning, coating dep. for Cd replacement and anodization | Sartwell | NRL |
1715-1720 | Meeting wrapup | Sartwell | NRL |
1720 | Board buses for return to Radisson Hotel |