The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) is the Department of Defense’s (DoD) demonstration and validation program for environmental and installation energy technologies. The ESTCP Office is interested in receiving white papers for innovative technology demonstrations that address DoD environmental and installation energy requirements as candidates for funding.
Awardees under this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) will be selected through a multi-stage review process. The white paper review step allows interested organizations to submit technology demonstrations for Government consideration without incurring the expense of a full proposal. Based upon the white paper evaluation by ESTCP, each of the white paper submitters will be notified as to whether ESTCP requests or does not request the submission of a full proposal. As noted in the instructions located on the ESTCP website, evaluation criteria for white papers are Technical Merit and ESTCP Relevance.
Instructions on this page pertain to the submission of white papers responding to the ESTCP BAA for Environmental and Installation Energy Demonstration and Validation. This BAA is for Private Sector Organizations. White papers submitted must be in response to a topic listed in the instructions on this page.
Information Related to the Broad Agency Announcement Open Solicitation