The management of Threatened, Endangered, and Invasive Species is critical for maintaining near and long term training and test capacity of the over 30 million acres of land for which DoD is responsible. This session presents the progress that SERDP research and ESTCP demonstration are making at both protecting threatened, endangered, and at-risk species while controlling invasive species. SERDP and ESTCP efforts focus on minimizing impacts and reducing conflicts between threatened, endangered, and at-risk species management and military activities; identifying species vulnerable to population and habitat decline; maintaining long-term species and habitat viability; and reducing the potential for future listings.

Session Chair: Mr. Alan Anderson, ERDC,

The REPI Program - Preserving Test, Training and TES

Ms. Kristin Thomasgard-Spence, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Innovative Tools for Wildlife Monitoring and Recover on Military Installations

Dr. Brett DeGregorio, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

Understanding and Using Species Biology and Ecology for More Effective Management Strategies - Plants

Dr. William Hoffman, North Carolina State University

Source Sink Dynamics and Neotropical Species Management - Birds - Understanding the Factors that Control Population Persistence and Dynamics

Dr. Peter Marra, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center

Understanding Relationships between Hydrology, Habitat, and Managing Species of Concern

Ms. Lainie Levick, University of Arizona

Brown Tree Snake - Managing Invasive Species as a Critical Component of TES Species Management

Dr. Shane Siers, U.S. Department of Agriculture