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Projects Listed Chronologically by Number 

MR-200734: Underwater Acoustic Positioning Systems for MEC Detection and Reacquisition Operations. (Principal Investigator: Andrew Schwartz)

Design Plan  

NOMAD Positioning Accuracy Estimation

Demonstration Plan

NOMAD Positioning Error XLS

October 2011 Presentation

April 2010 IPR Comment Responses

May 2014 IPR Report

May 2014 Presenation

MR-200810: Advancing Discrimination Performance by Integrating SAINT with Hand Held EMI Sensors. (Principal Investigator: Dean Keiswetter)

Demonstration Plan

White Paper - SAINT Board Selection

Interim Report APG

White Paper - SAINT and HHTEM SOW

May 2012 Presentation

MR-200837/200325: Statistical Verification and Remediation Sampling Methods Demonstrations. (Principal Investigator: Brent Pulsipher)

Bayesian Dig Stop

SLO Analysis Report

FY09 Verification Sampling SOW

Demonstration Plan Verification

October 2011 Presentation

Demonstration Plan - Verification Sampling

May 2012 Presentation

Demonstration Plan (Motlow)

Demonstration Plan (Lowry)

IPR Report

May 2013 Presentation

May 2014 Presentation

May 2014 MR-200325 IPR Report

May 2014 MR-200837 IPR Report

MR-200909: Hand-held EMI Sensor For Cued UXO Discrimination. (Principal Investigator: Thomas Bell)

C&P Report

Final Report

Demonstration Plan - APG

May 2012 Presentation

MR-200910/MR-201235: Analysis of Multi-axis, Multi-coil EMI Sensor data for UXO Discrimination/Capturing Lessons Learned as Revealed by Large Scale Classification Demonstration Data.(Principal Investigator: Dean Keiswetter)

Final Report  - SLO

Final Report - Camp Butner

May 2012 Presentation

MR-200910 IPR Report

MR-201235 IPR Report

May 2013 Presentation

Fall 2013 IPR Report

Fall IPR Presentation

MR-201001: Clutter Identification using Electromagnetic Survey Data. (Principal Investigator: Tom Bell)

IPR Report

White Paper

February 2012 Presentation

October 2012 Presentation

MR-201002: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Munitions and Explosives of Concern Detection System. (Principal Investigator: Ryan Steigerwalt)

October 2014 IPR Report

Demonstration Plan

October 2014 Presentation



Demonstration Report (version 1)

MR-201102: Semi-Automated Ferrous Material Scouring System. (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Christopher Fromme)

May 2012 PresentationMovie 1Movie 2Movie 3

Demonstration Plan Phase 1

NREC SAFMSS Comparison to Current Systems

Phase One Demonstration Plan

Fall 2013 IPR Report

Fall 2013 IPR Presenation

MR-201103: Munitions Detection Using Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Equipped With Advanced Sensors. (Principal Investigator: Robert Leasko)

IPR Report

Interim Report

Demonstration Plan Phase 1 

February 2012 Presentation

MR-201105: High-Power Vehicle-Towed TEM for Small Ordnance Detection. (Principal Investigator: Jeff Gamey)

Demonstration Plan (APG)

May 2012 Presentation

IPR Report

May 2013 Presentation

Demonstration Plan

IPR Comment Responses

May 2012 IPR Comment Responses

IPR Report

Fall 2013 Demonstration Plan

Fall IPR 2013 Presentation

MR-201225: Detection and Discrimination in One-pass Using the OPTEMA Towedarray (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Jonathan S. Miller)

Demonstration Plan

Demonstration Report

Fall 2014 IPR Report


October 2014 Presentation

MR-201233: Demonstration of ROV-based Underwater Electromagnetic Array Technology. (Principal Investigator: Gregory Schultz)

Year One Demonstration Plan

May 2015 Presentation

May 2015 IPR Report

May 2015 Presentation Movie

MR-201234: Vortex Lattice UXO Mobility Model Integration. (Principal Investigator: Gerald D’Spain)

IPR Report

May 2013 Presentation

MR-201264: Real-Time Quality Control Methods for Cued EMI Data Collection. (Principal Investigator: Jonathan Miller)

Interim Report (Proveout)

Spring IPR Presentation

IPR Report

May 2013 Presentation

MR-201309: Improved Reliability of the MetalMapper System (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Bart Hoekstra)

Geometrics Specification

February 2014 Presentation

September 2015 IPR Report

September 2015 Presentation

MR-201310: Tensor Invariant Processing of Multistatic EMI Data for Target Classification (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Tom Bell)

Demonstration Plan

May 2015 IPR Report

Demonstration Report - SWPG

May 2015 Presentation

MR-201311: GPS Based Positioning System for Geophysical Surveys in Heavy Foliage Areas (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: David Hodo)

May 2015 Presentation

May 2016 Presentation

February 2017 IPR Report

Final Proposal

Year 1 Demo Plan

February 2017 Presentation

MR-201312/201235: UX-Analyze Projects. (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dean Keiswetter)

May 2014 MR-201312 IPR Report

May 2014 MR-201235 IPR Report

MR-201312 White Paper

May 2014 Presentation

February 2016 MR-201312 IPR Report

February 2016 MR-201235 IPR Report

MR-201313: Underwater Advanced Time-Domain Electromagnetic System. (ESTCP) (Principal InvestigatorTamir Klaff)

September 2015 Presentation

May 2014 Presentation

May 2016 Presentation

Phase II White Paper

Final Proposal

February 2017 IPR Report

Draft Underwater Phase III Performance Report

February 2017 Presentation

Final Underwater Phase III Demonstration Plan

MR-201418: Live Site Demonstration of Advanced Geolocation Technology to Support Dynamic Classification of EMI Data Collect in GPS-challenged Areas (Principal Investigator: Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska)

February 2015 IPR Report

February 2015 IPR Presentation

Final Proposal

Interface Control Documents

September 2016 IPR Report

September 2016 Presentation

MR-201419: Demonstration and Validation of the Seismic-Acoustic Impact Monitoring and Assessment (SAIMA) System for Automatic Location of Low-Order Ordnance Detonation Impacts (Principal Investigator: Ray Conner)

Final Proposal

February 2017 IPR Report

February 2017 Presentation

MR-201422: Demonstration of Crawler-Towed Sensor Technologies in Challenging Nearshore Sites (Principal Investigator: Gregory Schultz)

Final Proposal

September 2015 Presentation

September 2016 IPR Report

September 2016 Presentation

February 2017 IPR Report

Interim Report

Demo Plan

February 2017 Presentation

MR-201424: Munitions Classification Library Update and Expansion (Principal Investigator: Craig Murray)

February 2016 IPR Report

February 2015 IPR Presentation

Data Collection Plan

Blossom Point Collection

Final Proposal

February 2016 IPR Presentation

Camp Lejeune and Eglin AFB Collection

MR-201523: GeoSoft Software and UX-Analyze Updates with USACE (Principal Investigator:  Nicholas Valleau)

February 2017 IPR Report

February 2017 Presentation

MR-201565: Lowry ESTCP Demonstration Support (Principal Investigator:  Troy Pfertsh)

Final Proposal

IPR Presentation

MR-201590-T2: The Application of Advanced Geophysical Classification in Support of Munitions Response Program- An outreach to Federal, State and Local Regulators and Tribal Governments (Principal Investigator:  Jim Austreng)

Final Proposal

IPR Presentation

MR-201610: Underwater EMI Sensor Platform for Metallic Item Detection (Principal Investigator:  Daniel Steinhurst)

Final Proposal

February 2017 IPR Report

Interim Report

February 2017 Presentation

MR-201611: Underwater Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Neutralization by Explosively Generated Plasma (EGP) (Principal Investigator:  Thomas Douglas)

Final Proposal

Interim Report

May 2017 IPR Report

May 2017 IPR Presentation

MR-201612: Implementing Advanced Magnetic Gradiometric Algorithms Within Geosoft's Oasis Montaj Software Platform (Principal Investigator:  Jesse Angle)

Final Proposal

Task 1 Technical Report

February 2017 IPR Report

February 2017 Presentation

MR-201613: Development of Blast-Barge Technology for Underwater Munitions Demolition (Principal Investigator:  Timothy Shelton)

Final Proposal

May 2017 IPR Presentation

May 2017 IPR Report

MR-201614: Underwater Dynamic Classification Technology (Principal Investigator:  Jonathan Miller)

Final Proposal

IPR Presentation

MR-201665: Comprehensive Analysis of Live Site Demonstration Results (Principal Investigator:  Daniel Steinhurst)

Final Proposal

IPR Presentation