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Projects Listed Chronologically by Number | ||||||||||||||
MR-200734: Underwater Acoustic Positioning Systems for MEC Detection and Reacquisition Operations. (Principal Investigator: Andrew Schwartz) | ||||||||||||||
MR-200810: Advancing Discrimination Performance by Integrating SAINT with Hand Held EMI Sensors. (Principal Investigator: Dean Keiswetter) | ||||||||||||||
MR-200837/200325: Statistical Verification and Remediation Sampling Methods Demonstrations. (Principal Investigator: Brent Pulsipher) | ||||||||||||||
MR-200909: Hand-held EMI Sensor For Cued UXO Discrimination. (Principal Investigator: Thomas Bell) | ||||||||||||||
MR-200910/MR-201235: Analysis of Multi-axis, Multi-coil EMI Sensor data for UXO Discrimination/Capturing Lessons Learned as Revealed by Large Scale Classification Demonstration Data.(Principal Investigator: Dean Keiswetter) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201001: Clutter Identification using Electromagnetic Survey Data. (Principal Investigator: Tom Bell) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201002: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Munitions and Explosives of Concern Detection System. (Principal Investigator: Ryan Steigerwalt) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201102: Semi-Automated Ferrous Material Scouring System. (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Christopher Fromme) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201103: Munitions Detection Using Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Equipped With Advanced Sensors. (Principal Investigator: Robert Leasko) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201105: High-Power Vehicle-Towed TEM for Small Ordnance Detection. (Principal Investigator: Jeff Gamey) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201225: Detection and Discrimination in One-pass Using the OPTEMA Towedarray (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Jonathan S. Miller) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201233: Demonstration of ROV-based Underwater Electromagnetic Array Technology. (Principal Investigator: Gregory Schultz) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201234: Vortex Lattice UXO Mobility Model Integration. (Principal Investigator: Gerald D’Spain) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201264: Real-Time Quality Control Methods for Cued EMI Data Collection. (Principal Investigator: Jonathan Miller) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201309: Improved Reliability of the MetalMapper System (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Bart Hoekstra) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201310: Tensor Invariant Processing of Multistatic EMI Data for Target Classification (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Tom Bell) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201311: GPS Based Positioning System for Geophysical Surveys in Heavy Foliage Areas (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: David Hodo) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201312/201235: UX-Analyze Projects. (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dean Keiswetter) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201313: Underwater Advanced Time-Domain Electromagnetic System. (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Tamir Klaff) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201418: Live Site Demonstration of Advanced Geolocation Technology to Support Dynamic Classification of EMI Data Collect in GPS-challenged Areas (Principal Investigator: Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201419: Demonstration and Validation of the Seismic-Acoustic Impact Monitoring and Assessment (SAIMA) System for Automatic Location of Low-Order Ordnance Detonation Impacts (Principal Investigator: Ray Conner) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201422: Demonstration of Crawler-Towed Sensor Technologies in Challenging Nearshore Sites (Principal Investigator: Gregory Schultz) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201424: Munitions Classification Library Update and Expansion (Principal Investigator: Craig Murray) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201523: GeoSoft Software and UX-Analyze Updates with USACE (Principal Investigator: Nicholas Valleau) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201565: Lowry ESTCP Demonstration Support (Principal Investigator: Troy Pfertsh)
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MR-201590-T2: The Application of Advanced Geophysical Classification in Support of Munitions Response Program- An outreach to Federal, State and Local Regulators and Tribal Governments (Principal Investigator: Jim Austreng)
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MR-201610: Underwater EMI Sensor Platform for Metallic Item Detection (Principal Investigator: Daniel Steinhurst) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201611: Underwater Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Neutralization by Explosively Generated Plasma (EGP) (Principal Investigator: Thomas Douglas) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201612: Implementing Advanced Magnetic Gradiometric Algorithms Within Geosoft's Oasis Montaj Software Platform (Principal Investigator: Jesse Angle) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201613: Development of Blast-Barge Technology for Underwater Munitions Demolition (Principal Investigator: Timothy Shelton) | ||||||||||||||
MR-201614: Underwater Dynamic Classification Technology (Principal Investigator: Jonathan Miller)
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MR-201665: Comprehensive Analysis of Live Site Demonstration Results (Principal Investigator: Daniel Steinhurst)