PFAS-Free Firefighting Foam Project Meeting
August 24-26, 2021, Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Department of Defense’s Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) hosted a three-day project meeting. The objective of the meeting was to convey the status of DoD research and demonstrations of AFFF alternatives and to seek feedback from all stakeholders on the direction of future development of Class-B fire extinguishing products and technology alternatives.
To view all of the presentations from the meeting, access the PFAS-Free AFFF Project Meeting Agenda and Slides page.
AFFF Alternatives: Art of the PossibleNovember 15, 2019, Pentagon City, Virginia
The goal for this summit was to provide SERDP and ESTCP with an initial set of short-term objectives and long-term goals to address AFFF alternatives from the research and development, and the demonstration validation and implementation perspectives. There were approximately 100 attendees representing DoD, other federal agencies, academia, and the firefighting manufacturing industry. HON Robert McMahon, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment, provided initial comments to the group describing the great need for out of the box thinking to provide solutions to the DoD and our nation regarding AFFF alternatives. A group of military fire chiefs and the Ohio State Fire Marshal provided the group with a rationale for providing a solution that would not add additional risk to our first responders, but they also described the constraints they all face regarding training in relevant environments. A Naval Sea Systems Command engineer provided a review of the current military specification for AFFF and the historical background regarding Naval firefighting. A series of lightning round presentations provided perspective from the Federal Aviation Administration, National Fire Protection Association, Naval Air Warfare Center, Air Force CivilEngineering Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
All of these presentations set the stage for several hours of intensive discussions on materials and engineering solutions to address AFFF alternatives. Those discussions are summarized in the Workshop Report.
ASETSDefense 2018: Focused Workshop on Cadmium PlatingAugust 21-23, 2018, Denver, Colorado
Increased environmental and occupational, safety, and health regulations in the United States and Europe have impacted production and use of chromates, cadmium, and other chemicals in aerospace and defense surface treatment processes. As a result, there is increasing need for environmentally benign alternatives that meet or exceed the performance requirements. This workshop covered all aspects of alternative coatings and surface treatments, with emphasis on performance, service data, approvals and implementation of clean coatings. The 8th Workshop on Sustainable Surface Engineering for Aerospace and Defense was held August 21-23, 2018.For specific questions, please contact the presenter and for general questions about the workshop,
For the full workshop report, briefings, and posters visit
ASETSDefense 2016: Sustainable Surface Engineering for Aerospace and DefenseDecember 6-8, 2016, Orlando, Florida
The 6th Workshop on Sustainable Surface Engineering for Aerospace and Defense was held December 6-8, 2016. A total of 90 organizations were represented, which included US Department of Defense Components, other Federal entities and both foreign and domestic private-sector partners. Globally, human health and environmental risk mitigation efforts are affecting the use of chromates, cadmium, and other chemicals in aerospace and defense surface treatments. As a result, there is a need for environmentally benign alternatives that meet or exceed performance requirements of current materials. This workshop addressed all aspects of alternative coatings and surface treatments, with special emphasis on performance, service data, approvals and implementation of clean coatings. The following presentation and technical posters are now available. For specific questions, please contact the presenter and for general questions about the workshop,
For the full workshop report, briefings, and posters visit
ASETSDefense 2012: Sustainable Surface Engineering for Aerospace and DefenseAugust 28-30, 2012, San Diego, California
This SERDP- and ESTCP-sponsored workshop, the latest in a series of workshops covering environmentally friendly coating and surface treatment alternatives, fostered information exchange among 200 representatives from research organizations, chemical and coating formulators and manufacturers, aerospace/defense repair facilities, and weapons systems and aircraft manufacturers. Workshop sessions addressed the impact of U.S. and European environmental and health regulations on defense acquisition and sustainment. Alternatives to cadmium, hexavalent chromium, beryllium, and cadmium were assessed. Other sessions highlighted alternative technologies used for light metals protection, aluminum and magnesium anodizing, anodize sealing and repair, and coatings removal. A focused side meeting addressed cadmium replacement on electrical connectors. For the full workshop report and briefings, visit
ASETSDefense 2011: Focused Workshop on Cadmium PlatingAugust 30-31, 2011, Baltimore, Maryland
Cadmium (Cd) alternatives are moving toward production in different applications; however, many have technical issues associated with them. This SERDP- and ESTCP-sponsored workshop facilitated understanding of the issues and options, defined requirements for the different applications, and developed a plan for coordinating research, development, test and evaluation activities. The following topics were covered: (1) Cd replacement developments, available data, approvals and implementations, and the general advantages and limitations of each solution; (2) information needed by the decision makers for each application to accept or reject use of the alternatives that vendors are proposing; and (3) information and opportunities for coordination on development and testing programs under way in different DoD and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) organizations. For the full workshop report and briefings, visit
ASETSDefense 2011: Sustainable Surface Engineering for Aerospace and DefenseFebruary 7-10, 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana
This SERDP- and ESTCP-sponsored workshop focused on ESOH and life-cycle cost issues relevant to application of surface engineering technologies for the production and sustainment of aerospace and defense systems, including aircraft, vehicles, ships, and electronics. More than 240 engineers representing DoD, prime contractors, and suppliers participated. Workshop sessions assessed alternatives to hexavalent chromium (Cr6+, chromate), beryllium (Be), cadmium (Cd), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Other sessions highlighted alternative technologies used to protect light metals and electronics, new accelerated corrosion test methods, and coating removal technologies. For the full workshop report and briefings, visit
ASETSDefense: DoD Vehicle Workshop June 15-16, 2010, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Changes in regulations, DoD policies, and contractual requirements are driving manufacturers and suppliers to find the best alternatives to coatings and surface treatments that contain hexavalent chromium, cadmium, hazardous air pollutants, and volatile organic compounds. The DoD Vehicle Workshop, sponsored by SERDP and ESTCP and the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF), was offered as part of the NASF SUR/FIN 2010 conference to provide a forum for DoD users, vehicle manufacturers, and supply chain vendors to share experiences and learn about technologies that are available to meet contract environmental requirements and improve performance. The Workshop also provided an opportunity for vehicle manufacturers and DoD users to voice concerns and to help determine the direction for development of improved materials and processes. To view the briefings, visit
ASETSDefense: Sustainable Surface Engineering for Aerospace and Defense WorkshopAugust 31-September 3, 2009, Westminister, Colorado
The second ASETSDefense workshop on sustainable surface engineering and defense gathered 225 engineers representing DoD, prime contractors, and suppliers. Sponsored by SERDP and ESTCP, the workshop focused on engineering alternatives to chromates to help organizations meet the requirements of the policy memorandum, Minimizing the Use of Hexavalent Chromium, issued by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics on April 8, 2009. Other sessions in this workshop assessed alternatives to beryllium (Be), cadmium (Cd), and volatile organic compounds (VOC). More than 50 briefings were presented. For the full workshop report and briefings, visit
Environmentally Sustainable Energetics WorkshopMarch 24-25, 2009, Rockaway, New Jersey
Energetic materials are used in mission-critical applications across DoD. Environmental, safety, and occupational health (ESOH) laws and regulations have directly impacted training with and the production of energetic materials at U.S. military installations. The objective of this workshop was to establish a strategy for the development and implementation of new, environmentally sustainable energetic materials for use in DoD weapons systems. This strategy was to consider the entire life cycle of weapons systems that contain energetic materials and include contributions from the acquisition, research, training, and environmental communities. Participants identified key ESOH issues associated with all phases of the life cycle of energetic materials. For the workshop summary, visit
Surface Finishing and Repair Issues for Sustaining New Military Aircraft WorkshopFebruary 26-28, 2008, Tempe, Arizona
With new military aircraft adopting cleaner and better materials and surface treatments, their sustainment presents new challenges for DoD. Some of the new materials and coatings require different technologies for flaw detection and repair, while others require greater emphasis on process control and surface cleanliness. As DoD moves into the sustainment phase of these new programs, it is imperative that the most effective non-destructive inspection (NDI) methods be defined and repair technologies be developed and approved that are clean, cost-effective, and achievable at the depot and operational levels. To address the various technologies and issues related to the use and sustainment of clean materials on new aircraft and some legacy systems, SERDP and ESTCP sponsored a workshop that brought together original equipment manufacturers, users, DoD experts, and vendors. The objectives were to exchange information on the development and implementation of new surface engineering technologies and to define future requirements and technology gaps requiring additional research and development. For the full workshop report and briefings, visit
DoD Metal Finishing Workshop - Chromate Alternatives for Metal Treatment and SealingMay 16-17, 2007, Layton, Utah
This SERDP/ESTCP-sponsored technical workshop brought together individuals from DoD and industry to identify specific DoD needs, commercial solutions, and engineering data for replacing chromate processes used for metal finishing in the manufacturing and maintenance of weapons systems including vehicles, aircraft and vessels. A plenary session that provided DoD and industry overviews was followed by breakout sessions grouped by corrosion control applications. The meeting was held near Hill AFB (Ogden Air Logistics Center), and attendees toured the plating and finishing shops at Hill to provide commercial suppliers with a better understanding of how DoD uses chromates. This meeting resulted in the release of a SERDP statement of need related to pretreatments in the FY 2009 solicitation. For the workshop summary, visit
Metal Finishing WorkshopMay 22-23, 2006, Washington, D.C.
SERDP and ESTCP co-sponsored a workshop to develop a strategic plan for future environmental research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) investments and to support the transition of demonstrated environmentally benign metal plating and finishing technologies. Workshop participants (1) reviewed the current and emerging regulations both in the United States and abroad; (2) examined the metal finishing and plating practices currently used in the Defense manufacturing and maintenance community; (3) reviewed the available, environmentally benign alternatives; (4) identified technical, financial, and other barriers to implementation of these alternatives; and (5) identified gaps in current metal finishing technology that should be addressed by future RDT&E investments. For the workshop summary, visit