WEAPONS SYSTEMS AND PLATFORMSSeptember 2-3, 2015Potomac Institute for Policy Studies901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 200Arlington, VA 22203(571) 372-6565(Printable Agenda)
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0900 | 16 E-WP4-015, Ultrahigh-Strength Copper-Based Nanocrystalline Alloys for Military Applications | Dr. Kristopher DarlingUS Army Research Laboratory |
0945 | 16 E-WP4-017, Qualification Testing of Electroformed Nanostructured Cobalt-Alloy Bushings | Dr. Alan GrieveNaval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division |
1030 | Break | |
1045 | 16 E-WP4-002, Green Machining of Weapons via Waterjet Technology | Mr. Frank CampoUS Army Benet Laboratories |
1130 | 16 E-WP4-025, Demonstration of the new 3MTM NovecTM Family of Dielectric Gases as Candidates for an Acceptable Alternative SF6 Gas as an Insulator in Military High-Voltage Systems | Mr. Solomon TamiratAir Force Life Cycle Management Center |
1215 | Lunch | |
1315 | 16 E-WP4-005, Demonstrating Viability of Low VOC E-coat Primers for General Depot Use | Mr. Fred LaffermanUS Army Research Laboratory |
1400 | 16 E-WP4-009, Validation/Demonstration of a Zero-VOC/HAPS-NC Wash Primer for Department of Defense Weapons Platforms | Dr. Peter ZarrasNaval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division |
1445 | Break | |
1500 | 16 E-WP4-010, Sustainable Alternative Biobased Cleaner, Lubricant and Preservative for Weapons and Weapons Systems | Mr. Mark NapolitanoUS Army ARDEC |
1545 | 16 E-WP4-011, Hazardous Emission Reductions from DoD Weapon Systems Maintenance Operations Using the Compliance MXTM Treatment Process | Mr. Christian FergusonUS Air Force Ogden Air Logistics Center |
1630 | Adjourn |
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0900 | 16 E-WP4-012, MDNT Manufacturing via Advanced Flow Reactor Technology | Mr. Omar AbbassiUS Army ARDEC |
0945 | 16 E-WP4-020, Demonstration of Novel Green Electrical Solid Propellant for Army Tactical Rocket Propulsion | Dr. Patrick TaylorUS Army AMRDEC |
1030 | Break | |
1045 | 16 E-WP4-003, DBX-1 As Replacement for Lead Azide and Lead Styphnate in M6 and M7 Blasting Caps | Mr. Daniel PerciballiUS Army ARDEC |
1130 | 16 E-WP4-013, Anaerobic Digestion for Waste Reduction and Renewable Energy Production at Forward Operating Bases | Dr. Robert DiltzUS Air Force Civil Engineer Center |
1215 | Lunch | |
1315 | Review Committee Discussion | |
1700 | Adjourn |