Classification is ready and available for routine use in munitions response. The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) demonstration program has established that it can be used successfully on most sites to correctly identify all targets of interest and eliminate 70-95% of clutter. The variables that will affect the applicability of classification to a variety of site conditions, such as munitions type, anomaly density, geologic interference, previous land use, terrain, and vegetation are well understood and documented. At the conclusion of the program, the DoD has access to the following.
Commercially available sensors: The advanced electromagnetic sensors TEMTADS and MetalMapper, which were extensively tested in this program, are both commercially available for sale or rental from Geometrics. They are documented and supported by the manufacturer. They produce common file formats that are compatible with available analysis software. The Map-Portable Vector Machine (MPV) is available for contract from the developer.
Analysis Software: The UXAnalyze classification software has been incorporated into the GeoSoft Oasis montaj platform, commonly used in the munitions response contractor community. It can be used to analyze data from TEMTADS or MetalMapper. It is documented and supported, and training classes are offered regularly.
Signature Library: ESTCP has assembled a comprehensive library of universal signatures of common munitions. The library data were collected using common, documented procedures and are accompanied by comprehensive metadata describing each item. These signatures can be used with either TEMTADS or MetalMapper in either the UXAnalyze or UXOLab software environment.
Quality Assurance Project Plan: The Environmental Data Quality Work Group, supported by ESTCP, has developed a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) template for use in Classification in Munitions Response. It provides a template for work flow and recommends a comprehensive quality assurance program that incorporates insights from the demonstrations.
Experienced contractors: Ten companies have participated in the ESTCP demonstrations, which have shown that most analysts can perform classification reliably at an efficiency that is cost effective. ZZ contractors have attended training programs supported by ESTCP from 20xx-2015.
Accreditation Program: DoD has mandated an accreditation program for contractors that propose to perform classification work on munitions response projects. This program has two main requirements: accredited corporate quality programs and the demonstrated competence of operators and analysts on a test site.
Informed regulators: ESTCP has incorporated the input of regulators throughout the demonstration program. The Interstate Technology Regulatory Council has sponsored a Geophysical Classification for Munitions Response team that in 2015 produced a technical regulatory document and offers ongoing training for regulators.
Next: Chapter 2. Background – ESTCP Live-Site Demonstration Program