Potomac Institute for Policy Studies901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 200 (Mezzanine Level)Arlington, VA 22203Tel: 703-525-0770(Printable Agenda)
Wednesday February 19, 2014 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
08:30 | Convene/Opening Remarks SERDP/ESTCP | Deputy Director |
08:40 | MR-2322: Advanced SAS Imaging Methods for Resonating Underwater Acoustic Targets (SERDP) | Mr. Ira EkhausBAE Systems |
09:25 | MR-2320: Long Time Series Measurements of Munitions Mobility in the Wave-Current Boundary Layer (SERDP) | Dr. Joseph CalantoniNaval Research Laboratory |
10:10 | Break | |
10:25 | MR-2321: Development and Testing of an Engineering Prototype for a Marine Version of the Berkeley Unexploded Ordnance Discriminator: Phase II (SERDP) | Dr. Frank MorrisonMarine Advanced Research |
11:10 | MR-201311: GPS Based Positioning System for Geophysical Surveys in Heavy Foliage Areas (ESTCP) | Mr. David HodoIS4S, Inc. |
11:55 | Lunch | |
13:00 | MR-2318: Strategies and Methods for Effective UXO Classification (SERDP) | Dr. Len PasionBlack Tusk Geophysics |
13:45 | MR-201309: Improved Reliability of the MetalMapper System (ESTCP) | Mr. Bart HoekstraGeometrics, Inc. |
14:30 | Break | |
14:45 | MR-201310: Tensor Invariant Processing of Multistatic EMI Data for Target Classification (ESTCP) | Dr. Tom BellLeidos, Inc. |
15:30 | Committee Discussion (Closed Door) | |
16:15 | Adjourn |