Many active and former military installations have ranges and training areas with UXO contamination that include water environments such as rivers, estuaries, and coastal ocean areas. Storm waves or currents can cause underwater munitions to become unburied and move into new, potentially dangerous locations. SERDP researchers have conducted experimental studies to characterize the sediments, simulate and track how these energetic events can cover, uncover, and move unexploded ordnance, and model this movement. This session highlights experimental and modeling efforts focused on an engineering model of munitions mobility.
Session Chair: Dr. Joe Calantoni, Naval Research Laboratory |
Introduction by Session Chair |
Dr. Joe Calantoni, Naval Research Laboratory |
Burial and Migration of Seabed Munitions – Physical Processes and Engineering Considerations |
Dr. Richard Whitehouse, HR Wallingford |
Dr. Nina Stark, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Physics-based Inversions of Multibeam Sonar Data for Wide-Area Assessment of Sediment Properties |
Dr. Todd Hefner, University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory |
Unexploded Ordnance Characterization And Detection In Muddy Estuarine Environments |
Dr. Art Trembanis, University of Delaware |
Coupling Probabilistic Near- and Far-Field Models for Munitions Mobility |
Dr. Margaret Palmsten, Naval Research Laboratory |
Advanced Capabilities in the Underwater Munitions Expert System |
Dr. Sarah Rennie, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |