Chair: Mr. Charles Chesnutt, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Institute for Water ResourcesKeynote: Dr. E. Robert Thieler, U.S. Geological Survey – Coastal and Marine Geology Program
Climate change-induced sea level rise along with storm surge present significant risks to the missions of DoD coastal installations and associated military readiness. Environmental effects are predicted to be far reaching and will vary geographically and include increased storm damage to coastal infrastructure, more rapid coastal erosion and shoreline change, saltwater intrusion into aquifers and surface waters, rising water tables, and changes in tidal prism. Recent legislation requires DoD to provide guidance to military planners to assess the risks of potential climate change. This session examined research that is developing the methods, models, and tools for assessing the vulnerabilities of and impacts to natural and built infrastructure from sea level rise and storm surge, both within and beyond DoD.
8:30 AM | 8:40 AM | Welcome & Introduction by the Session Chair | Mr. Charles Chesnutt | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Institute for Water Resources |
8:40 AM | 9:10 AM | KEYNOTE: Sea-Level Rise Science and Decision Making in an Uncertain Future(Presentation – Abstract) | Dr. E. Robert Thieler | U.S. Geological Survey – Coastal and Marine Geology Program |
9:10 AM | 9:35 AM | Shoreline Evolution and Coastal Resiliency at Two Military Installations: Investigating the Potential for and Impacts of Loss of Protecting BarriersAbstractPresentationVideo – Storm 3226 Modeled Surge at Modern Sea LevelVideo – Storm 3226 Modeled Surge at 0.5m Above Modern Sea LevelVideo – Storm 7281 Modeled Surge At Modern Sea LevelVideo – Modeling Hurricane Waves | Dr. Robert Evans | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
9:35 AM | 10:00 AM | Modeling the Risk to Military Infrastructure from Future Coastal Sea-Level Change(Presentation – Abstract) | Dr. Joseph Donoghue | Florida State University – Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science |
10:00 AM | 10:20 AM | Break | ||
10:20 AM | 10:45 AM | Risk Quantification for Sustaining Coastal Military Installation Assets and Mission Capabilities(Presentation – Abstract) | Dr. Edmund Russo, Jr. | U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center – Environmental Laboratory |
10:45 AM | 11:10 AM | A Methodology for Assessing the Impact of Sea Level Rise on Representative Military Installations in the Southwestern United States(Presentation – Abstract) | Dr. Bart Chadwick | Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific |
11:10 AM | 11:35 AM | Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms: Observed and Predicted Changes in Storm Surge, Climate Extremes and Related Impacts(Presentation – Abstract) | Dr. David Levinson | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – National Climatic Data Center |
11:35 AM | 11:45 AM | Discussion/Wrap-Up | Mr. Charles Chesnutt |