Potomac Institute for Policy Studies901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 200 (Mezzanine Level)Arlington, VA 22203Tel: 571-372-6565(Printable Agenda)
Tuesday, February 4, 2014 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 | Convene/Opening Remarks | |
0845 | EW-201135: Coupling Geothermal Heat Pumps(GHP) withUnderground Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage(USTES) | Mr. Chuck HammockAnderson, Hammock, &Powell |
0930 | EW-201338: Demonstration & Testing of an EER OptimizerSystem for DX Air-conditioners | Dr. Michael WestAdvantek |
1015 | Break | |
1030 | EW-201152: Converting Constant Volume, Multizone AirHandling Systems To Energy Efficient Variable Air VolumeMultizone Systems | Mr. David SchwenkU.S. Army ERDC-CERL |
1115 | EW-201239: Modeling & Verifying Aircraft Paint HangarAirflow to Reduce Green House Gas and Energy Usage whileProtecting Occupational Health | Ms. Kathleen PaulsonNAVFAC-EXWC |
1200 | Working Lunch | |
1315 | EW-201018: Modeling & Verifying Aircraft Paint HangarAirflow to Reduce Green House Gas and Energy Usage whileProtecting Occupational Health | Ms. Kathleen PaulsonNAVFAC-EXWC |
1400 | EW-201252: Demonstration Program for Low-Cost, High-Energy-Saving Dynamic Windows | Dr. Brandon TinianovView Inc. |
1445 | Break | |
1500 | EW-201248: Solar Cogeneration of Electricity and Hot Waterat DoD Installations (OUTBRIEF) | Dr. Ratson MoradCogenra Solar |
1545 | Discussion (Closed Door) | |
1630 | Adjourn |
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 | Convene/Opening Remarks | |
0845 | EW-201142: Energy Performance Monitoring and Optimization System for DoD Campuses (OUTBRIEF) | Dr. Trevor BaileyUTRC |
0930 | EW-201240: Demonstrate Energy Component of the Installation Master Plan using Net Zero Installation Virtual Testbed | Dr. Alexander ZhivovU.S. Army ERDC-CERL |
1030 | EW-201255: Integrated Control for Building Energy Management (OUTBRIEF) | Dr. Yan Lu,Siemens Corporation |
1115 | EW-201262: Tools for Building Energy Asset Management (BEAM) | Dr. Yan LuSiemens Corporation |
1200 | Working Lunch | |
1315 | EW-201336: Collaborative Building Energy Management andControl | Dr. Yan LuSiemens Corporation |
1400 | EW-201263: Model-Driven Energy Intelligence | Ms. Liana KiffHoneywell International. Inc. |
1445 | Break | |
1500 | EW-201261: Rapid Building Assessment Proposal (OUTBRIEF) | Mr. Domenic Armano (Co-PI) First Fuel Software |
1545 | Discussion (Closed Door) | |
1630 | Adjourn |
Thursday, February 6, 2014 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 | Convene/Opening Remarks | Dr. Jim Galvin |
0845 | EW-201348: Demonstration of a High-Efficiency EvaporativeCooler for Improved Energy Efficiency in DoD Data Centers | Dr. Thomas ButcherBrookhaven National Laboratory |
0930 | EW-201332: Data Center Liquid-Cooling: 60% CoolingSavings, Waste-Heat Recovery and 1 Year Payback | Mr. Steve BrantonAsetek, Inc. |
1015 | Break | |
1030 | EW-201347: Immersion Cooling of Electronics in DoDEW-201246: Sodium-Metal-Halide Battery Energy StorageWorking Lunch | Mr. William TschudiLawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory |
1115 | EW-201246: Sodium-Metal-Halide Battery Energy Storagefor DoD Installations | Mr. Dan CoheePDE Total Energy Solutions |
1200 | Working Lunch | |
1315 | EW-201242: Zinc Bromide Flow Battery Installation forEW-201260: Electronic Auditing Tool with Geometry Capture Mr. Daniel MacumberDiscussion (Closed Door) | Mr. Ryan FariesRaytheon |
1400 | EW-201260: Electronic Auditing Tool with Geometry Capture | Mr. Daniel MacumberNational Renewable EnergyLaboratory |
1445 | Discussion (Closed Door) | |
1630 | Adjourn |