MUNITIONS RESPONSE (MR) PROGRAM AREAHoliday Inn Arlington at Ballston 4610 N Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 | |||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker | |
08:30 | Convene/Opening Remarks | SERDP/ESTCPDeputy Director | |
08:40 | MR-1711: Bulk Magnetization Effects in EMI-Based Classification and Discrimination. (SERDP) | Dr. Tom BellSAIC | |
09:25 | MR-200837: Statistical Verification and Remediation Sampling Methods Demonstrations. (ESTCP) | Mr. Brent PulsipherPacific Northwest National Laboratory | |
10:10 | Break | ||
10:25 | MR-201264: Real-Time Quality Control Methods for Cued EMI Data Collection. (ESTCP) | Mr. Jonathan MillerWhite River Technologies | |
11:10 | MR-201105: High-Power Vehicle-Towed TEM for Small Ordnance Detection. (ESTCP) | Mr. Jeff GameyBattelle | |
11:55 | Lunch | ||
13:00 | MR-1712: Bistatic Portable Electromagnetic Induction Sensor with Integrated Positioning. (SERDP) | Dr. Ben BarrowesERDC | |
13:45 | MR-2201: Classification Study Using a Handheld, Three-element EMI Sensor. (SERDP) (Outbrief) | Dr. Tom BellSAIC | |
14:30 | Break | | |
14:45 | MR-200910/MR-201235: Analysis of Multi-axis, Multi-coil EMI Sensor data for UXO Discrimination/Capturing Lessons Learned as Revealed by Large Scale Classification Demonstration Data. (ESTCP) | Dr. Dean KeiswetterSAIC | |
15:30 | Committee Discussion (Closed Door) | ||
16:15 | Adjourn |
Wednesday, May 8, 2013 | |||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker | |
08:30 | Convene/Opening Remarks | SERDP/ESTCPDeputy Director | |
08:35 | MR-201233: Demonstration of ROV-based Underwater Electromagnetic Array Technology. (ESTCP) | Dr. Gregory SchultzWhite River Technologies | |
09:20 | MR-201234: Vortex Lattice UXO Mobility Model Integration. (ESTCP) | Dr. Gerald D’SpainScripps | |
10:05 | Break | ||
10:20 | MR-2103: Structural Acoustic UXO Detection and Identification in Marine Environments. (SERDP) | Dr. Brian HoustonNRL | |
11:05 | MR-2104: Real-Time Hand-Held Magnetometer Array. (SERDP) | Dr. Mark ProutyGeometrics | |
11:50 | Lunch | ||
13:00 | MR-2227: Underwater Munitions Expert System to Predict Mobility and Burial. (SERDP) | Dr. Sarah RennieJohns Hopkins University | |
13:45 | Committee Discussion (Closed Door) | ||
14:30 | Break | ||
14:45 | ESTCP Technical Committee Meeting | ||
17:30 | Adjourn |