The DoD mission will be impacted by current and future environmental regulations both at home and abroad. In certain cases, the impacts occur when companies no longer produce specific chemical formulations containing materials of concern. Domestic and international chemical regulatory experts will provide a current overview of the changing regulatory environment and provide specific examples of how this has or will impact DoD uses of these critical materials. This short course was intended for those interested in impacts to the defense industrial base (DIB) from chemical management regulation and those within the research, development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E) community involved in development of alternatives for use by the DIB.
Dr. Natalia Vinas, Acting Director for the Chemical and Material Risk Management, ODASD(E&ER) |
Mr. Miguel Aguado, European Commission |
REACH Impact on Defence: EU Perspective & EDA REACH Activities |
Ms. Alexandra Lesage, European Defence Agency |
Mr. Terry Rees-Pedlar, BAE Systems Land UK |
Dr. Ana Corado, EPA |
Evolving and Emerging Chemical Policies: Potential Impacts on the Electronics Supply Chain |
Dr. Kelly Scanlon, IPC |
An Auto Industry Perspective on Increasing Substance Regulations |
Mr. Mark Bacchus, Toyota Motors North America |