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RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND CLIMATE CHANGESeptember 21 - 22, 2016Potomac Institute for Policy Studies901 N. Street, Suite 200 (Mezzanine Level)Arlington, VA 22203(571) 372-6565(Printable Agenda)
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0915 | 17 EB-RC4-002: Operational Daily Forecast System for Fugitive Dust Emissions | Ms. Irene LeeExponent |
0915 - 1000 | 17 EB-RC5-003: WebGEMS Model Ensemble: Development, Intercomparison, and Applications | Dr. Shuguang LiuUSGS EROS |
1000 - 1015 | BREAK | |
1015 - 1100 | 17 EB-RC4-001: Mapping, Optimization of Controls and Reduction of Fenceline Impacts of Fugitive Dust Emissions from DoD Roads, Trails, and Training Areas: Demonstration of Tools in Practical Applications | Dr. John GilliesDust-Solve, LLC. |
1100 - 1145 | 17 EB-RC5-004: Accurate Predictions of Drought, Heat, Wildfire and Associated Mitigation Strategies on Forest Survival Mortality, and Ecosystem | Dr. Nate McDowellLANL |
1145 - 1215 | LUNCH | |
1215 - 1300 | 17 EB-RC5-002: Ecosystem Model Performance in the Northeastern US | Dr. Rober SchellerPortland State University |
1300 - 1345 | 17 EB-RC4-006: Demonstration of a User-Friendly Version of DUSTRAN for Widespread Use at DoD Facilities | Dr. William ShawPNNL |
1345 - 1400 | BREAK | |
1400 - 1445 | 17 EB-RC4-005: Characterization of Fugitive Dust Emissions from Department of Defense Lands | Dr. Stephanie ShawEPRI, Inc. |
1445 - 1530 | 17 E-RC4-011: Demonstration of Aerial Detection Technology to Inventory DoD Installations for Threatened, Endangered, and at-Risk Bat Species | Dr. Eric BritzkeU.S. Army ERDC |
1530 - 1630 | Closed Door Session for Review Committee | |
1630 | ADJOURN |
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0915 | 17 E-RC3-009: The Digital Optical Method (DOMTM) as an Effective and Low-Cost Management Tool for Fugutive Dust Emissions | Dr. K. James HayERDC-CERL |
0915 - 1000 | 17 E-RC3-005: Automated Benthic Ecology System (ABES) | Ms. Cheryl Ann CookeSPAWAR |
1000 - 1015 | BREAK | |
1015 - 1100 | 17 E-RC3-006: Application of Dredged Sediment to Sustain Coastal Wetlands on DoD Installations: Enhancing Shoreline and Ecosystem Resilience | Dr. Jean PanNAVFAC EXWC |
1100 - 1145 | 17 E-RC3-012: Demonstration of Aquatic Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAMs) to Survey for Underwater-Calling Frogs | Dr. Brett DeGregorioERDC-CERL |
1145 - 1215 | LUNCH | |
1215 - 1300 | 17 E-RC3-013: Estimating the Density of Secretive, At-Risk Snake Species on Department of Defense Installations Using an Innovative Approach: IDEASS | Dr. Brett DeGregorioERDC-CERL |
1300 - 1500 | Finalize 1-N Recommendations and Room to Improve Bullets Closed Door Session for Review Committee | |
1500 - 1515 | BREAK | |
1515 - 1630 | Strategy SessionClosed Door Session for Review Committee | |
1630 | ADJOURN |