This year's Symposium & Workshop offered a comprehensive technical program featuring 14 technical sessions and three short courses. Following the Plenary Session on Tuesday, technical sessions highlighted research and innovative technologies that assist the Department of Defense (DoD) in addressing increasingly complex environmental challenges.
Speaker presentations are now available for each session via the links below. For more information about each session, click the session number to view a brief description, detailed agenda, and corresponding abstracts and presentations.
- Session 1A – Opening the Arctic: Science Challenges to Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change
- Session 1B – Lead-Free Electronics
- Session 1C – Remediation and Management of Persistent Chlorinated Solvent Contamination
- Session 2A – Sea Level Rise: Assessing Vulnerabilities and Impacts
- Session 2B – Minimizing Hexavalent Chromium Use in DoD Operations
- Session 2C – Vapor Intrusion Pathway Assessment: Background Sources, Monitoring, and Decision Making
- Session 3A – National Environmental Monitoring and Indicator Systems: Implications for DoD
- Session 3B – Aviation and the Environment: Deicing and Noise
- Session 4A – Military Munitions in the Underwater Environment
- Session 4B – Maintaining Sustainability of Forward Operating Bases
- Session 4C – Passive Sampling Approaches for Contaminated Sediment Management