The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) is DoD’s environmental science and technology program, planned and executed in partnership with DOE and EPA, with participation by numerous other federal and non-federal organizations. SERDP invests across a broad spectrum of basic and applied research, as well as advanced development.
Program Goals
SERDP focuses on cross-Service requirements and pursues solutions to the Department’s environmental challenges. The development and application of innovative environmental technologies will reduce the costs, environmental risks, and time required to resolve environmental problems while, at the same time, enhancing and sustaining military readiness.
SERDP Process
SERDP issues an annual solicitation for proposals from the Federal government, academia, and industry and employs a competitive selection process to ensure that SERDP funds the highest quality research.
Congress established SERDP in 1990 to address DoD environmental issues. The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) share management authority and responsibility with DoD. A truly integrated program, SERDP involves all three agencies in the development of its research agenda and management of resulting projects. Designed to address issues common across all of the Armed Services and DOE, the Program is a catalyst for cooperation and collaboration.
Management Structure
SERDP is funded by DoD with oversight and policy guidance from the SERDP Council, which is composed of members from the DoD, DOE, and EPA. The SERDP Executive Director, Deputy Director, and Program Managers lead the day-to-day Program activities. A Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) provides advice and recommendations to the SERDP Council on the technical quality of proposals and projects. The SERDP Council and Executive Director established the organizational structure shown below to execute the Program.