Potomac Institute for Policy Studies901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 200 (Mezzanine Level)Arlington, VA 22203Tel: 571-372-6565(Printable Agenda)
MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0900 | ER-2423: In Situ Treatment Train for Remediation of Perfluoroalkyl Contaminated Groundwater: In Situ Chemical Oxidation of Sorbed Contaminants (ISCO-SC) (SERDP) | Craig DivineARCADIS |
0945 | ER-2425: Development of a Novel Approach for In Situ Remediation of PFC Contaminated Groundwater Systems (SERDP) | Matt SimcikUniversity of Minnesota |
1030 | Break | |
1045 | ER-2426: Quantification of In Situ Chemical Reductive Defluorination (ISCRD) of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Ground Water Impacted by AFFFs (SERDP) | Linda LeePurdue University |
1130 | ER-201425: Validation of Biotechnology for Quantifying the Abundance and Activity of Vinyl-chloride Oxidizers in Contaminated Groundwater (ESTCP) | Timothy MattesUniversity of Iowa |
1215 | Lunch | |
1300 | ER-2130: Assessing the Potential Consequences of Subsurface Bioremediation: Fe-oxide Bioreductive Processes and the Propensity for Contaminant-colloid Co-transport and Media Structural Breakdown (SERDP) | Mark RadosevichUniversity of Tennessee |
1345 | ER-2421: Investigating the Sensitivity of Emerging Geophysical Technologies to Immobile Porosity and Isolated DNAPL and Dissolved/Sorbed VOC Mass in Fractured Media (SERDP) | Lee SlaterRutgers University-Newark |
1430 | Break | |
1445 | ER-2223: Development of Environmental Health Criteria forInsensitive Munitions (IMX-101-104) (SERDP) | Mark JohnsonU.S. Army Institute of Public Health |
1530 | ETC and STC meet with Environmental Restoration Program Manager (Closed Door) | |
1700 | Adjourn |
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0900 | ER-2312: Advanced Environmental Molecular Diagnostics to Assess, Monitor, and Predict Microbial Activities at Complicated Chlorinated Solvent Sites (SERDP) | Frank LӧfflerUniversity of Tennessee |
0945 | ER-2308: Practical Assessment and Optimization of Redox-Based Groundwater Remediation Technologies (SERDP) | Paul TratnyekOregon Health & Science |
1030 | Break | |
1045 | ER-2309: Development of Field Methodology to Rapidly Detect Dehalococcoides and Dehalobacter Spp. Genes On-Site (SERDP) | Alison CupplesMichigan State University |
1130 | ER-2310: A Practical Approach for Remediation Performance Assessment and Optimization at DNAPL Sites for Early Identification and Correction of Problems Considering Uncertainty (SERDP) | Jack ParkerUniversity of Tennessee |
1215 | Lunch | |
1300 | ER-2311: Development of an Integrated Field Test/Modeling Protocol for Efficient In Situ Bioremediation Design and Performance Uncertainty Assessment (SERDP) | Linda AbriolaTufts University |
1345 | ER-2421: Investigating Sensitivity of Emerging Geophysical Technologies to Immobile Porosity & Isolated DNAPL & Dissolved/Sorbed VOC Mass in Fractured Media (SERDP) | Lee SlaterRutgers University-Newark |
1430 | Break | |
1445 | ETC and STC meet with Environmental Restoration Program Manager (Closed Door) | |
1630 | Adjourn |
WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2016 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0900 | ER-2217: Robust Membranes for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment by Forward Osmosis in FOBs (SERDP) | Menachem ElimelechYale University |
0945 | ER-2237: A Fully Integrated Membrane Bioreactor System for Wastewater Treatment in Remote Applications (SERDP) | Amy ChildressUniversity of Southern California |
1030 | Break | |
1045 | ER-2239: Wastewater Treatment Using Microbial Fuel Cells with Peroxide Production (SERDP) | César TorresArizona State University |
1130 | ER-2419: High Resolution Delineation of Contaminant Concentrations, Biogeochemical Processes, and Microbial Communities in Saturated Subsurface Environments (SERDP) | Andrew JacksonTexas Tech University |
1215 | Lunch | |
1245 | ETC Closed Door Meeting | |
1700 | Adjourn |
THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0900 | ER-2221: Interaction of Microbial and Abiotic Processes in Soil Leading to the (Bio)conversion and Ultimate Attenuation of New Insensitive Munitions Compounds (SERDP) | Jim FieldUniversity of Arizona |
0945 | ER-2222: Combined Biological and Chemical Mechanisms for Degradation of Insensitive Munitions in the Presence of Alternate Explosives (SERDP) | Kevin FinneranClemson University |
1030 | Break | |
1045 | ER-201213: A Flexible Permeable Reactive Barrier for Protection of Wetland Sediments from Heavy Metals in Runoff Water (ESTCP) | Steve LarsonERDC-EL |
1130 | Lunch | |
1200 | ETC and STC meet with Environmental Restoration Program Manager(Closed Door) | |
1400 | Adjourn |