This short course reviewed recent SERDP and ESTCP funded research to investigate and demonstrate geophysical approaches to quantitatively estimate (1) the rate coefficient governing mobile/immobile exchange, and (2) immobile porosity. Both of these parameters are critically important to reliable and accurate model-based prediction and optimal design of remediation strategies. Instructors discussed the basis for monitoring DDMT using geoelectrical measurements, which are sensitive to both mobile and immobile porosity, in contrast to conventional sampling. This course presented new borehole technology, the Mobile/Immobile Porosity Exchange Tool (MI-PET) and a simple curve-fitting approach for data analysis and parameter estimation. Instructors briefly reviewed a related technology for applications to stream- , lake- and estuary beds, where DDMT occurs in bed materials. They also reviewed emerging nuclear magnetic resonance technology and spectral induced polarization methods, which have potential utility to help constrain estimation of parameters controlling DDMT.
Session Chair: Dr. Ramona Iery, NAVFAC-EXWC |
Dr. Ramona Iery, NAVFAC-EXWC |
Dr. Fred Day-Lewis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) |
Dr. Lee Slater, Rutgers University Newark |
Dr. Neil Terry, United States Geological Survey |