Visit DCA airport website
Airport Phone: 1 703 572 8296
Hotel direction: 4.8 miles NW
GW Pkwy N to US-50 W, turn right on Fairfax Dr, turn right on N. Cleveland St, turn right on Clarendon Blvd, turn right on N. Adams St.;
- Alternate transportation: ACS Transportation; fee: 18 USD (one way); reservation required
- Subway service, fee: 2 USD (one way)
- Estimated taxi fare: 10 USD (one way)
Visit IAD airport website
Airport Phone: 1 703 572 8296
Hotel direction: 23 miles E
Follow 267 E which becomes 66 E, take US 29 N, turn right on N. Danville St, turn left on Clarendon Blvd, turn right N. Adams St.;
- Alternate transportation: ACS Tranportation; fee: 58 USD (one way); reservation required
- Estimated taxi fare: 50 USD (one way)
Visit BWI airport website
Airport Phone: 1 410 859 7111
Hotel direction: 38 miles SW
Follow 195 W to 295 S. Take US-50 W to 395 S. Turn onto GW Pkwy N to US-50W. Turn right on Fairfax Dr, turn right on N. Cleveland St., turn right on Clarendon Blvd, turn right on N. Adams St.