SERDP Full Proposal Guidance

The links below provide guidance for the preparation of SERDP full proposals. SERDP accepts full proposals only upon request after review of a pre-proposal or in response to a SEED solicitation. Proposals submitted outside this process will not be reviewed.

Please select the guidance below that corresponds to the organization type for which the proposal is being submitted.

Guidance for Federal Organizations
Guidance for Non-Federal Organizations - Universities and Industry

ESTCP Full Proposal Guidance

The links below provide guidance for the preparation of ESTCP full proposals. ESTCP accepts full proposals only upon request after review of a pre-proposal. Proposals submitted outside this process will not be reviewed.

Please select the guidance below that corresponds to the solicitation against which your pre-proposal was submitted.

Environmental Technology
Installation Energy Technology
Natural Hazards Adaptation (NH), Environmental Restoration (ER), Munitions Response (MR), Resource Conservation and Resilience (RC), and Weapons Systems and Platforms (WP)Installation Energy and Water (EW)
Presentation Guidance (all)
  • Installations Dashboard
    • Created by ESTCP using Tableau, with data from DoD's 2019 Real Property Asset Database and DoD's 2018 Annual Energy Management Report to Congress. Only data for active duty installations in the U.S. is included.
Guidance for DoD Organizations
Guidance for Federal Organizations Outside DoD
Guidance for Non-Federal Organizations – Universities and Industry