Potomac Institute for Policy Studies901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 200 (Mezzanine Level)Arlington, VA 22203Tel: 571-372-6565(Printable Agenda)
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0845 | SERDP/ESTCP Overview/Update | Dr. John HallRC Program Manager |
0845 - 0930 | RC-2326: Restoration of Soil Microbial Function FollowingDegradation on Department of Defense Lands: MediatingBiological Invasions in a Global Change Context (SERDP) | Dr. Kristina StinsonUniversity ofMassachusetts |
0930 - 1015 | RC-2327: Role of the Soil Microbial Community in Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) and Squirreltail (Elymus elmoides) Seedling Establishment in Cheatgrass-invaded Habitats(SERDP) | Dr. Paul DijkstraNorthern ArizonaUniversity |
1015 - 1045 | STC\ETC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1045 - 1100 | BREAK | |
1100 - 1145 | RC-2328: Controls Regulating Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems: the role of Fire and Military Training(SERDP) | Dr. Nina WurzburgerUniversity of Georgia |
1145 - 1230 | RC-2329: Achieving Dryland Restoration Through theDeployment of Enhanced Biocrusts to Improve Soil Stability, Fertility and Native Plant Recruitment (SERDP) | Dr. Nichole BargerUniversity of Colorado |
1230 - 1330 | Working LunchSTC\ETC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1330 - 1415 | RC-2330: Soil Microbial Communities: Critical Roles in Control of Non-Native Invasive Species and Restoration of Ecosystem Functions (SERDP) | Dr. James BeverIndiana University |
1415 - 1430 | BREAK | |
1430 - 1700 | STC\ETC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager / Strategy Session | |
1700 | ADJOURN |
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
830 - 0845 | SERDP/ESTCP Overview/Update | Dr. John HallRC Program Manager |
0845 - 0930 | RC-201302: The Demonstration and Validation of a Linked Watershed-Riverine Modeling System for DoD Installations (ESTCP) | Dr. Billy JohnsonU.S. Army ERDC-EL |
0930 - 1015 | RC-201307: Demonstration and Validation of BASINS Watershed Modeling System Enhanced for Military Installations (ESTCP) | Mr. Anthony DonigianAQUA TERRA |
1015 - 1045 | STC\ETC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1045 - 1130 | RC-201308: Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) to Aid in Sustaining Military Mission and Training (ESTCP) | Dr. David Goodrich USDA-ARS |
1130 - 1215 | RC-201305: Stormwater Management Optimization Toolbox (ESTCP) | Ms. Heidi HowardU.S. Army ERDC-CERL |
1215 - 1330 | Working LunchSTC\ETC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1330 - 1415 | RC-201306: Demonstration/Validation of the Unit Stream Power Erosion and Deposition (USPED) Model (ESTCP) | Dr. Steven WarrenUSDA Forest Service |
1415 - 1430 | BREAK | |
1430 - 1630 | Watershed Projects Coordination Meeting | |
1630 - 1700 | STC\ETC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1700 | ADJOURN |
Thursday, February 27, 2014 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0845 | SERDP/ESTCP Overview/Update | Dr. John HallRC Program Manager |
0845 - 0930 | RC-201304: Integrated Measurement of Naval Sonar Operations and Precise Cetacean Locations (ESTCP) | Mr. David MorettiNaval Undersea Warfare Center |
0930 - 1015 | RC-201303: Using a Computational Fluid Dynamic Model to Guide Wildland Fire Management (ESTCP) | Mr. James FurmanU.S Air Force AFCEC/CZO |
1015 - 1200 | STC\ETC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1200 | ADJOURN |