SEPTEMBER 16-19, 2013Potomac Institute901 North Stuart Street, Suite 200Arlington, VA 22203(703) 525-0770Agenda (Printable Version)
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 | Convene/Opening Remarks | |
Topic 1: Smart and Secure Military Installation Energy Management | ||
0845 | 14 EB-EW1-102: AC Photovoltaic Modules with Black StartCapabilities and Advanced Controls Architecture for Smart ACCoupledPV Microgrids | Dr. Ruba Amarin,Petra Solar, Inc. |
0930 | 14 EB-EW1-015: Keeping PV Generation Online with SmartLinkTMand Flywheel Energy Storage | Mr. Richard Hockney,Beacon Power LLC |
1015 | Break | |
1030 | 14 EB-EW1-019: Cost-effective Islanding of Grid-tied PV usingAdvanced Energy Storage | Ms. Teri Hall,,Lockheed Martin Missilesand Fire Control |
1115 | Working Lunch | |
1315 | 14 EB-EW1-014: Bosch Storage and Energy Management System | Mr. Jasim Ahmed,Robert Bosch LLC |
1400 | 14 EB-EW1-077: Continuous Industrial Control System (ICS)Security Situational Awareness Tool (CISSAT) | Mr. Nathanael Cimo,Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. |
1445 | Break | Hua WangGE Global Research |
1500 | 14 EB-EW1-094: Improved Microgrid Cyber Security and HolisticRisk Reduction | Mr. Gregory Brainard,Honeywell International, Inc |
1545 | 14 EB-EW1-060: Efficient, Effective, Secure and Resilient EnergyManagement System (REMS) | Dr. Craig Rieger,Idaho National Laboratory |
1630 | Adjourn |
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 | Convene/Opening Remarks | Charles SchaeferCB&I |
0845 | 14 EB-EW1-107: Market Aware High Performance Buildings Participating inFast Load Response Utility Programs with a Single Open StandardMethodology | Mr. James Boch,IPKeys Technologies,LLC |
0930 | 14 EB-EW1-064: Demonstrating Energy Data Processing and VisualizationTool for Naval District Washington (NDW) | Mr. Keith Searight,National RenewableEnergy Laboratory |
1015 | Break | |
1030 | 14 E-EW1-003: Installation Energy Performance Mapping from OpenStudio | Mr. Brian Ballweg,NAVFAC- EXWC |
1115 | 14 E-EW1-011: Visualization of Energy Monitoring, Benchmarking, Modeling,and Project Generation through Integration of the Comprehensive ArmyMaster Planning System (CAMPS) Dashboard with the Net Zero InstallationTool (NZI Tool) | Dr. Rumanda Young,USACE - SouthwesternDivision (SWD) |
1200 | Working Lunch | |
1315 | 14 EB-EW2-023: Scaled Retro-commissioning for DoD's Portfolio of SmallCommercial Buildings | Dr. Jessica Granderson,Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory |
1400 | 14 EB-EW2-096: Building Performance Optimization while EmpoweringOccupants toward Environmentally Sustainable Behavior through ContinuousMonitoring and Diagnostics | Ms. Vivian Loftness,Carnegie MellonUniversity |
1445 | Break | |
1500 | 14 EB-EW2-046: Installation and Operation of Broadband Over Power Line(BPL) Lighting Control System (LCS), Comprising Configuration, Trending(Data Logging), Alarming, Scheduling and Energy Metering Capabilities in anAdministrative Building of The Department Of Defense | Mr. Thomas Lohner,exp US Services, Inc. |
1545 | Discussion (Closed Door) | |
1700 | Adjourn |
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 | Convene/Opening Remarks | |
0845 | 14 EB-EW2-063: Solving Low Delta T Syndrome in Hydronic Systems | Mr. Michael Cummings,Belimo Aircontrols (USA) Inc. |
0930 | 14 EB-EW2-061: Software-Defined Wireless Decentralized BuildingManagement System | Mr. Julian Lamb,Paragon Robotics LLC |
1015 | Break | |
1030 | 14 EB-EW2-035: Demonstration of a Building Automation SystemEmbedded Performance Degradation Detector using Virtual Water/AirFlow Meters | Dr. Li Song,University of Oklahoma |
1115 | 14 EB-EW2-007: Demonstration of Energy Savings in CommercialBuildings for Tiered Trim and Respond Method in Resetting StaticPressure for VAV Systems | Dr. Xiaohui Zhou,Iowa State University ofScience and Technology |
1200 | Working Lunch | |
1315 | 14 EB-EW2-065: Rapid Deployment of Optimal Control for BuildingHVAC Systems using Innovative Software Tools and a HybridHeuristic/Model-Based Control Approach | Mr. Allan Daly,BrightBox Technologies, Inc. |
1400 | 14 E-EW2-004: RFID Reading Outlets Enable Device Level Granularityin Building Energy Control | Mr. Wayne Liu,SPAWAR Systems Center-Pacific |
1445 | Discussion (Closed Door) | |
1700 | Adjourn |