Location: The George Washington Training Room 4601 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 1200, Arlington, VA 22203
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0845 | Welcome/Opening Remarks/Training | |
0845 - 0930 | 13 EB-ER1-044: 1,4-Dioxane Remediation by Extreme Soil Vapor Extraction (XSVE) | Robert HincheeIntegrated Science & Technology, Inc. |
0935 - 1020 | 13 EB-ER1-014: Development of a Systematic Decision Framework for Vapor Intrusion Assessments | Loren Lund CH2M HILL, Inc |
1020 - 1035 | Break | |
1035 - 1120 | 13 E-ER1-022: Innovative Technology to Sequester Depleted Uranium from Test and Training Range Soil Fines | Steven Larson ERDC-EL |
1125 - 1210 | 13 E-ER1-004: Field Demonstration and Validation of the Training Range Environmental Evaluation and Characterization System (TREECS) for the Risk Assessment of Metal Contaminants on DoD Ranges | Billy JohnsonERDC-EL |
1210 - 1300 | Lunch (Closed Door Session) | |
1300 - 1345 | 13 EB-ER2-001: Exposure Assessment Model for Munitions Constituents on Ranges | Robert Borden Solutions-IESPresentation |
1350 - 1435 | 13 EB-ER2-003: Optimal Incremental Sampling Methods & Tools for Mean Estimation & Spatial Delineation | John Hathaway Pacific NorthwestNational Laboratory |
1435 - 1450 | Break | |
1450 - 1535 | 13 E-ER1-002: A Mobile Burn Pan for the Disposal of Excess Propellants | Michael WalshUS Army CRREL |
1540 - 1625 | 13 EB-ER1-017: Demonstration and Validation of a Portable Raman Sensor for In-Situ Detection and Monitoring of Perchlorate (CIO4-) | Baohua Gu ORNL |
1625 - 1800 | Closed Door Session | |
1800 | Adjourn |
Thursday, September 13, 2012 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0915 | 13 EB-ER1-029: Electrokinetic-Enhanced (EK-Enhanced) Amendment Delivery for Remediation of Low Permeability and Heterogeneous Materials | Evan Cox Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. |
0920 - 1005 | 13 EB-ER1-056: A Rigorous Comparison of Injection and Distribution Methods for Low Permeability Media | Kent Sorenson CDM Smith |
1005 - 1020 | Break | |
1020 - 1105 | 13 EB-ER1-041: Sustained In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) of 1,4-Dioxane Using Slow Release Chemical Oxidant Candles | Patrick EvansCDM Smith |
1110 - 1155 | 13 EB-ER1-015: Demonstration/Validation of More Cost-Effective Methods for Mitigating Radon and VOC Subsurface Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air | Todd McAlaryGeosyntec Consultants, Inc. |
1155 - 1300 | Lunch (Closed Door Session) | |
1300 - 1345 | 13 EB-ER1-019: Natural Attenuation and Anaerobic Biostimulation for In Situ Treatment of 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) | Robert Steffan Shaw Environmental, Inc. |
1350 - 1435 | 13 EB-ER1-037: Validation of Biotechnology for Quantifying the Abundance and Activity of Vinyl-Chloride Oxidizers in Contaminated Groundwater | Timothy Mattes The University of Iowa |
1435 - 1450 | Break | |
1450 - 1535 | 13 EB-ER1-050: Contaminant Flux Reduction Barriers for Managing Difficult-to-Treat Source Zones in Unconsolidated Media | Charles Newell GSI Environmental Inc. |
1540 - 1625 | 13 EB-ER1-005: Third-Generation (3G) Site Characterization - Cryogenic Core Collection and High-Throughput Core Analysis | Tom Sale Colorado State University |
1625 - 1800 | Closed Door Session | |
1800 | Adjourn |
Friday, September 14, 2012 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0915 | 13 EB-ER1-062: Management of DNAPL Impacted Fractured Rock with Biodegradable Grout | Jessica KeenerSolutions-IES |
0920 - 1005 | 13 EB-ER1-002: Rapid Assessment of Remedial Effectiveness and Rebound in Fractured Bedrock | Charles Schaefer Shaw Environmental, Inc. |
1005 - 1020 | Break | |
1020 - 1105 | 13 EB-ER1-007: Enhancing Performance of In Situ Thermal Treatment (ISTT) for Remediation of NAPL in Porous Media | Gorm HeronTerraTherm |
1110 - 1155 | 13 E-ER1-009: Develop and Validate Optimization Protocols for Remediation Technologies to Improve Performance and Reduce O&M Cost During Remedial Action Operation Phase | Sarah Rollston NAVFAC ESC |
1155 - 1600 | Lunch and Closed Door Session | |
1600 | Adjourn |