Site Description
Andersen Air Force Base (AFB) is a 20,000-acre site located in the city of Yigo on the northern end of the island of Guam. Operational since the 1940s, Andersen AFB’s main purpose has been to provide support for Strategic Air Command operations. During WWII, Andersen AFB served as a large forward operating base for U.S. military operations. The base continues to support strategic operations in the region, and serves as a staging base for activities in Asia and the South Pacific.
The ESTCP study is being performed in the North Ramp Parking (NRP) area of Andersen AFB. The NRP area is undergoing a munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) removal action in advance of military construction (MILCON) activities. Geophysical classification is being integrated with the digital geophysical mapping (DGM) phase of the removal action. As part of this demonstration, the NRP area was seeded and mapped using dynamic detection surveys and cued classification surveys. Intrusive investigations at detected anomalies will be performed subsequent to the demonstration as part of the removal action.
Suspected Munitions Present at the Demonstration Site
MK II Hand Grenades
20-mm, 105-mm, 155-mm, 5-inch, and 6-inch projectiles
60-mm and 81-mm mortars
100-lb bombs
Demonstration Summary
The TEMTADS 2x2, an advanced EMI system, was used to collect four acres of dynamic detection survey data. The demonstrators preprocessed their detection survey data, and in conjunction with the ESTCP Program Office, identified anomalies. Approximately 1,000 anomalies were selected from the dynamic survey data for subsequent cued interrogation with the TEMTADS 2x2. The data analysis demonstrators will employ physics-based models to extract target parameters and then classification algorithms to produce a ranked anomaly list.
The site was seeded with inert munitions, and all anomalies will be dug to confirm technology performance. Demonstrators will be scored based on their ability to eliminate nonhazardous items while retaining all detected munitions. Results of the data analysis from this demonstration will be posted as they become available.
Demonstration Project
Dipole Discrimination Techniques Applied to Live SitesLead Organization: Black Tusk Geophysics, Inc.
UXO Classification Demonstrations at Live Sites Using UX-AnalyzeLead Organization: Acorn SI
Continued Discrimination Demonstration Using Advanced EMI Models at Live UXO Sites: Data Quality Assessment and Residual Risk Mitigation in Real TimeLead Organization: Dartmouth College/White River Technologies
Quality Control Methodologies for Advanced EMI Sensor Data Acquisition and Anomaly ClassificationLead Organization: Weston Solutions, Inc.