Site Description
The former Southwestern Proving Ground (SWPG), near Hope, Arkansas, was used by the War Department as a test facility for ordnance during World War II. This demonstration was performed on Recovery Field 15 (RF 15) of SWPG.
Suspected Munitions Present at the Demonstration Site
20-mm, 37-mm, 40-mm, 57-mm, 75-mm, 76-mm, 90-mm, 105-mm, 120-mm, and 155-mm projectiles
81-mm mortars
Demonstration Summary
Both MetalMapper and TEMTADS 2x2 sensors were demonstrated in dynamic and cued mode on RF 15. Each of the sensors was used on a separate part of the demonstration site with a small overlap area for comparison. Far more anomalies were detected in the dynamic surveys than could be intrusively investigated within the scope of the demonstration so a sub-area was selected for each of the sensors for cued data collection.
Analysis of the data was performed using conventional and advanced data processing methods to select anomalies from advanced sensor dynamic data, and then extract features and perform anomaly classification on advanced sensor cued data.
The site was seeded with inert munitions, and all anomalies in the cued subareas were dug to confirm technology performance. Demonstrators are being scored based on their ability to eliminate nonhazardous items while retaining all detected munitions. Results of the data analysis from this demonstration will be posted as they become available.
Demonstration Projects
Practical UXO Classification: Enhanced Data Processing Strategies for Technology Transition Lead Organization: Black Tusk Geophysics, Inc.
Technical Report: Tensor Invariant Processing of Multistatic EMI Data for Target ClassificationLead Organization: Leidos
Live Site Classification DemonstrationLead Organization: Tetra Tech EC, Inc.
Detection and Discrimination in One-Pass Using the OPTEMA Towed-ArrayLead Organization: White River Technologies
Final Report: Quality Control Methodologies for Advanced EMI Sensor Data Acquisition and Anomaly ClassificationLead Organization: Weston Solutions, Inc.
Dipole Discrimination Techniques Applied to Live SitesLead Organization: Black Tusk Geophysics, Inc.
Continued Discrimination Demonstration Using Advanced EMI Models at Live UXO Sites: Data Quality Assessment and Residual Risk Mitigation in Real TimeLead Organization: Dartmouth College/White River Technologies
Live Site DoD EngagementLead Organization: U.S. Army ESCH