Site Description
The former Camp Hale is located approximately 70 miles west of Denver, Colorado. The East Fork Valley (EFV) Range Complex is located within the former Camp Hale on 382 acres in the White River National Forest. EFV Range Complex was used as a training area by the Army and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
The EFV Range Complex is part of a Historic Preservation Site and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) operates two active campgrounds, other camp sites, and trailheads that are regularly used along the banks of the East Fork of the Eagle River. The USFS has begun planning for restoration of the Eagle River within the East Fork Valley to restore original meanders.
The ESTCP demonstration will be conducted in a phased approach on no more than 25 acres within the EFV Range Complex to help support the USFS restoration project.
Suspected Munitions Present at the Demonstration Site
Hand Grenades: practice, smoke, and fragmentation
Rifle Grenades: practice, smoke, and high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT)
Landmines: Mine, Anti-Tank, Practice, M1; Anti-Tank, HE, M1A1; and Mine, Anti-Tank, M4
Rockets: 2.36-inch rockets (bazooka), 3.5-inch rockets (bazooka), 3.25-inch anti aircraft target rockets, and 2.75-inch aircraft rockets
Mortars: 60mm, 81mm, and 4.2-inch
Projectiles: 37mm, 40mm, 57mm, 75mm, 76mm, 90mm, 105mm, 106mm, and 155mm
Demonstration Summary
The TEMTADS 2x2 system will be demonstrated in cart configuration within the EFV Range Complex. The dynamic mode survey will consist of complete coverage in the study area to identify metallic targets and create a prioritized target list. The cued mode survey will consist of collecting cued data over approximately 1,000 targets identified from the TEMTADS dynamic survey data.
The demonstrator will apply an advanced classification method using the TEMTADS data to identify and excavate subsurface detected munitions, along with any items they are unable to classify. The site was seeded with blind seed items used to simulate munitions to confirm technology performance. In addition, a subset of detected items classified as non-munitions will be excavated to verify performance. The remaining detected items will be left in the ground based on high confidence the items are not munitions. Results of the data analysis from this demonstration will be posted as they become available.
Demonstration Projects
Continued Discrimination Demonstration Using Advanced EMI Models at Live UXO Sites: Data Quality Assessment and Residual Risk Mitigation in Real TimeLead Organization: Dartmouth College/White River Technologies
Tensor Invariant Processing of Multistatic EMI Data for Target ClassificationLead Organization: Leidos
Comprehensive MMRP Live Site Technology Demonstration of Advanced Geophysics and Advanced Classification MethodsLead Organization: URS Group, Inc.
Dipole Discrimination Techniques Applied to Live SitesLead Organization: Black Tusk Geophysics, Inc.
UXO Classifcation Demonstrations at Live Sites Using UX-AnalyzeLead Organization: Acorn SI